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Deadline Extended to 12/17! -- How do the streets, parks, and open space feel to you in these concepts? What activities would bring you and your family here?

26 registered responses

Do the streets, parks, open space in PLAY feel comfortable, safe and welcoming to you and your family?

Response Percent Response Count
Agree 57.7% 15
Neutral 15.4% 4
Disagree 19.2% 5
I'm Not Sure 7.7% 2

Do the streets, parks, open space in NATURE feel comfortable, safe and welcoming to you and your family?

Response Percent Response Count
Agree 48.0% 12
Neutral 8.0% 2
Disagree 28.0% 7
I'm Not Sure 16.0% 4

Do the streets, parks, open space in DISCOVERY feel comfortable, safe and welcoming to you and your family?

Response Percent Response Count
Agree 32.0% 8
Neutral 40.0% 10
Disagree 20.0% 5
I'm Not Sure 8.0% 2

What activities would you, your family, and friends like to do in the Broadway Corridor? (For example, types of events before construction occurs, cultural or recreational activities, or commercial uses)


How can we support diverse arts, cultural artists, and art organizations on this site?


Share your ideas of how we honor history of the people who have been here and the history of the place?


What is your top priority for the Broadway Corridor Project?

Response Percent Response Count
Create jobs 12.0% 3
Support small business and economic growth 44.0% 11
Deliver affordable housing 36.0% 9
Promote arts and culture 28.0% 7
Create parks and open space 60.0% 15
Create a sustainable community 44.0% 11
Other 12.0% 3

What best describes your connection to the Broadway Corridor located in the Old Town Chinatown Neighborhood? (Check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I work in the area 36.0% 9
I live in the area 32.0% 8
I take the MAX or bus in the area or I take the train at Union Station 52.0% 13
I drive through the area 12.0% 3
I walk through the area 60.0% 15
I bike in the area 52.0% 13
I visit the area for food, shopping, or entertainment 48.0% 12
Other 16.0% 4

Do you think the Broadway Corridor project is a good opportunity for you and your community?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 91.7% 22
No 8.3% 2



Which best describes how you've been involved with the project?

Response Percent Response Count
This is my first interaction with this project 38.5% 10
I've attended Open Houses or public meetings for this project 30.8% 8
I have heard presentations about it 26.9% 7
I provided online comments in the past 23.1% 6
Other (please describe) 11.5% 3

If you answered Other, please describe.


How did you hear about this online Open House?

Response Percent Response Count
Family members, Friend, or Colleague 23.1% 6
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) 23.1% 6
Email 57.7% 15
Other (please describe) 7.7% 2

If you answered Other, please describe.


Will you continue to participate in the planning of the Broadway Corridor project?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 96.2% 25
No 3.8% 1

Anything else you'd like to tell us?


Which two development concepts do you connect with most?

Response Percent Response Count
Play 58.3% 7
Nature 58.3% 7
Discovery 41.7% 5

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Refined Development Concepts

During this stage of the planning process, designers improve preliminary development concepts and study them with more detail, incorporating feedback they've heard since they first presented these concepts in September. The next step in the process is to select a preferred option to further refine and study.

These development concepts are the result of feedback and input from the Broadway Corridor Steering Committee, the public at Open Houses, online surveys, pop-up events, and city staff and consultants.

Creation of the Refined Development Concepts

Extensive public input has guided the development of these refined development concepts including input from the public during the July and September Open Houses and Online Open Houses, focus groups, stakeholder interviews, the Steering Committee, and City staff and consultant study team members.

How Your Input Will Be Used

Your input will be considered by the decision-making team (including leadership from Prosper Portland, the Mayor’s Office, and Portland Housing Bureau) when they select a preferred concept in March 2019. Your input is important in ensuring the Broadway Corridor site is inclusive of you and your family and is a transformative project for our city.


(For additional images of PLAY see slides 25-28 of the Project Background Presentation, link will open new window)

PLAY describes a place that emphasizes:
•    Active Recreation
•    Health & Wellness
•    Resilient Community
PLAY extends the North Park Blocks to Johnson with a flexible open space that can be used for sports and community gatherings.

Some ideas for how this space can be used or the kinds of adjacent uses that would have synergy with PLAY include:
•    Art plaza
•    Woonerf (Living Streets) – note that a woonerf is a street that functions as a social space while allowing for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle movement. 
•    Small business incubator
•    Adaptive reuse

(For additional images of NATURE see slides 35-37 of the Project Background Presentation, link will open new window.)

NATURE describes a place that emphasizes:
•    Shifting the grid
•    Green heart: this refers to the function of the open space in this concept where open space is located in the core and functions as a connector to nature within the urban landscape.
•    Gathering spaces
NATURE expands access to nature and health with a central urban forest, landscaped pathways and green buildings.

Some ideas for how this space can be used or the kinds of adjacent uses that would have synergy with NATURE include:
•    Access to green jobs
•    Iconic architecture 
•    Community gardens
•    Thematic connection to the river

(For additional images of DISCOVERY see slides 43-46 of the Project Background Presentation, link will open new window.)

DISCOVERY describes a place that emphasizes:
•    Shifting the Grid
•    Green Heart
•    Gathering Spaces
DISCOVER centers activity around Union Station and the Broadway Bridge, surrounded by small open spaces, alleys and development.

Some ideas for how this space can be used or the kinds of adjacent uses that would have synergy with DISCOVERY include:

•    As a link between Old Town/Chinatown and the Pearl
•    Independent retail
•    Community market space (shown near Union Station)
•    Pocket parks

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