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Prosper Portland Town Hall

What would make the Broadway Corridor (downtown USPS redevelopment) project an inclusive place for all Portlanders?

11 registered responses

Food & Beverages




Sports & Recreation


Pedestrian/Transit Amenities

Allan Rudwick outside Foster 1/2 Mile Corridor
July 30, 2018, 4:28 PM
  • What is your top priority for the Broadway Corridor project?
    1. Create a sustainable community

      Create a sustainable community
    2. Support small business and economic growth

      Support small business and economic growth
    3. Create parks and open space

      Create parks and open space
    4. Promote arts and culture

      Promote arts and culture
  • What news banner headline would you like to see about the Broadway Corridor area in ten years?

    Stress free bicycle commute from NE portland finally connected with Broadway corridor completion.

  • Describe your concerns about the Broadway Corridor project.
    No response.
  • Do you think the Broadway Corridor project is a good opportunity for you and your community?
    • No
  • Why?
    framing it as a giant project tends to mean huge developers only instead of smaller scale developments
  • Will you continue to participate in the planning of the Broadway Corridor project?
    • Yes
  • Why?
    No response.
  • What best describes your connection to the Broadway Corridor located in the Old Town Chinatown Neighborhood? (Check all that apply)
    • I live in the area
    • I drive through the area
    • I walk through the area
    • I bike in the area
    • I visit the area for food, shopping, or entertainment
  • Select the top 3 locations
    • Powell's Books
    • Dawson Park
    • Willamette River
  • Explain why you made these selections.

    I live right down the street from Dawson Park so my kids love going there. The Willamette- I just love getting in the water.

    Everyone loves Powell's

  • What activities would you like to do in the Broadway Corridor project area that you can't do now in the city? (Types of events, recreational activities, programs, etc.)

    If you are designing park space- build park-like activites into the sidewalk instead of making a huge public space. We already have the park blocks for that.

  • What will make the public spaces in the Broadway Corridor project area feel comfortable, safe and welcoming to you and your family?

    Kid-safe bicycling facilities- My 3 year old has ridden over the broadway bridge on her own bike.... I would like her to be able to ride to and through this site comfortably

  • Play
    • rock wall
  • Events
    • biergarden
  • Retail
    No response.
  • Sustainable Infrastructure
    • shade trees
  • Education
    No response.
  • Arts & Culture
    No response.
  • Social Services
    • some, but it shouldn't dominate the area
  • Incubator Spaces
    No response.
  • Food & Beverages
    • this picture looks awesome. i doubt you will make anything like it happen
  • Greenery
    No response.
  • Sports & Recreation
    No response.
  • Pedestrian/Transit Amenities
    • consider not having internal streets for cars through the site.
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Broadway Corridor Visioning

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Create parks and open space

Support small business and economic growth

Deliver affordable housing

Promote arts and culture

Create a sustainable community

Create jobs

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