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Prosper Portland Town Hall

What would make the Broadway Corridor (downtown USPS redevelopment) project an inclusive place for all Portlanders?

11 registered responses

Food & Beverages




Sports & Recreation


Pedestrian/Transit Amenities

Name not shown outside Foster 1/2 Mile Corridor
August 1, 2018, 3:07 PM
  • What is your top priority for the Broadway Corridor project?
    1. Create a sustainable community

      Create a sustainable community
  • What news banner headline would you like to see about the Broadway Corridor area in ten years?

    Broadway Corridor project blossoms as an environmentally sound, economic and cultured icon of the city of Portland.

  • Describe your concerns about the Broadway Corridor project.

    First, I am very excited about this opportunity our city has in this case. It's quite unique to have such a grand parcel to serve as essentially a blank slate. I believe this is truly a potentially game-changing development, with vast opportunities to create another unique landmark for our city to thrive upon. With that in mind, I sincerely hope design and architecture is of significant priority and not made the sacrificial lamb of the project when dollars are hard to come by. I believe that cities are defined by skylines, and represent the culture buried within the skylines. Please help make this project a rare jewel, one that we can hang out hat on and makes us proud to be Portlanders. Thank you for all of your hard work!

  • Do you think the Broadway Corridor project is a good opportunity for you and your community?
    • Yes
  • Why?
    I was born in this city, live in this city, and firmly invested in this city. Growth is good for all of us. I want it to grow and stay special.
  • Will you continue to participate in the planning of the Broadway Corridor project?
    • Yes
  • Why?
    See above.
  • What best describes your connection to the Broadway Corridor located in the Old Town Chinatown Neighborhood? (Check all that apply)
    • I drive through the area
    • I walk through the area
    • I visit the area for food, shopping, or entertainment
  • Select the top 3 locations
    • Tom McCall Waterfront Park
    • Pioneer Courthouse Square
    • Alder St. Food Cart Pod
  • Explain why you made these selections.

    It's the "happenin" spots. Fortunately, Portland has a wealth of parks, including Forest Park (which I recommend being included), restaurants, and streets (NW 23rd, N Williams, N Miss, E/W Burnside, etc). to choose from. My top 3 are the ones I've rec'd the most, but not because I believe they're "better" than other options.

  • What activities would you like to do in the Broadway Corridor project area that you can't do now in the city? (Types of events, recreational activities, programs, etc.)

    Site see, especially for the general public to have rooftop/top level access to the tallest building. Portland does not offer many of these opportunities outside of Departure and PCG on the West Side. Perhaps a restaurant or venue? I would be very interested in a public space that emphasized both permanent and temporary art structures. Think about how special the Green Loop coming off the Broadway Bridge, coming down through beautiful buildings and a bustling plaza. I'd like to eat there, at several different places that are not commercial. James Beard Market maybe?? Maybe go to a brewfest in the "new park" that opens up to the rest of the park blocks?

  • What will make the public spaces in the Broadway Corridor project area feel comfortable, safe and welcoming to you and your family?

    Even terrain. Trees. Not near the Broadway Ramp. Well lit, and for the plaza, decoratively lit. Defined bike lanes (actually well-defined, invested bike lanes). Investment into street landscape, especially along Lovejoy, Hoyt, and Broadway. Embrace the train station.

  • Play
    • Interactive art/design structures
    • Water feature/fountain
    • Something akin to Seattle's "Artists At Play"
    • Open Park (similar to Fields)
    • Tours
  • Events
    • Brewfests/Ciderfests/Anything-fests
    • Small/Small-medium concerts
    • Venues to host events/shows/concerts
  • Retail
    • Not commercial
    • Restaurants/Breweries (ideally local)
    • Food Carts (embrace and make permanent)
    • Signature retailers, but not too many, a few tops
    • Support Small Businesses please
  • Sustainable Infrastructure
    • Emphasis on environmentally sound
    • Wind turbines/wind mills
    • Lighting/Materials above standard, invest in the long haul, its worth it
    • Landscaping to emphasize native Portland environmental, maybe even exaggerate to make special
    • Im intrigued by CLT. If its proven safe, economic, and helps Oregon workers, please explore.
  • Education
    • Shows/talks (ex. Ted Talks)
    • Events (using the plaza, or "future park" that opens to park blocks
    • Powells 2 potential retailer?
  • Arts & Culture
    • I've made my points on this throughout already
  • Social Services
    • Yes, please consider space for several opportunities here
  • Incubator Spaces
    No response.
  • Food & Beverages
    No response.
  • Greenery
    No response.
  • Sports & Recreation
    No response.
  • Pedestrian/Transit Amenities
    No response.
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Broadway Corridor Visioning

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Create a sustainable community

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Deliver affordable housing

Promote arts and culture

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