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Prosper Portland Town Hall

What kinds of amenities would you like to see in Lents?

118 registered responses

Restaurants and Food:






Personal Services:


What elements are most important to you in the public space along 92nd Ave? Please rank each item in order of importance.

Average priorities over 118 responses
  1. Pedestrian lighting provides safety and beautifies the neighborhood.

    Pedestrian lighting
  2. Crosswalks provide safe crossing opportunities for pedestrians.

  3. Street trees provide shade, beautification, and enhance the pedestrian environment.

    Street trees
  4. What other elements would you like to see? Type in your answer in the text area below this question.

    Other (please specify below)
  5. Street furniture (like benches) enhance the public realm.


Please specify "Other":


Do you have any additional comments?

Name not shown inside CRESTON-KENILWORTH
October 30, 2015, 11:44 AM
  • Restaurants and Food:

    Grocery store
    Healthy restaurants

  • Merchandise:


  • Entertainment:

    Safer park/ public area for performances or entertainment

  • Personal Services:

    gym or exercise studio

  • What elements are most important to you in the public space along 92nd Ave? Please rank each item in order of importance.
    1. Pedestrian lighting provides safety and beautifies the neighborhood.

      Pedestrian lighting
    2. Street furniture (like benches) enhance the public realm.

    3. Crosswalks provide safe crossing opportunities for pedestrians.

    4. What other elements would you like to see? Type in your answer in the text area below this question.

      Other (please specify below)
    5. Street trees provide shade, beautification, and enhance the pedestrian environment.

      Street trees
  • Please specify "Other":

    bus stop with covered benches

  • Do you have any additional comments?
    No response.
Prosper Portland Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Prosper Portland Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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This is the form that was used to collect responses. It's here so you can try it and see how it worked when the topic was open.

The topic is now closed, and anything you enter into this form will not be saved.

Development Priojects

Each of the three development projects presented at the open house on Tuesday, October 27, is designed to include pedestrian areas and/or retail amenities. We invite your input on those amenities and the look and feel of the public spaces.

View the development projects (PDF) >
(A fourth project, proposed by Rose CDC, will provide mixed income housing. Renderings are not yet available.). 

NOTE: After you submit the survey, you will be asked to sign up or log in so that your response (with or without your name) can be posted on the forum for others to see. While we encourage you to share your ideas on the website, this part is not required. We will still receive your feedback even if you choose not to sign up or post your ideas online. Thank you for your feedback!

In October 2014, we asked residents to rank the types of amenities they would like to see in the neighborhood. The top four were: Restaurants and Food, Merchandise, Entertainment, and Personal Services.

For each category, please suggest 2-3 examples of specific types of businesses you would like to see in Lents. Examples: pizza shop, dry cleaner.

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Pedestrian lighting provides safety and beautifies the neighborhood.

What other elements would you like to see? Type in your answer in the text area below this question.

Street furniture (like benches) enhance the public realm.

Crosswalks provide safe crossing opportunities for pedestrians.

Street trees provide shade, beautification, and enhance the pedestrian environment.

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