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Prosper Portland Town Hall

What would you like to see in Lents?

28 registered ideas

What would you like to have in your neighborhood? Click on a category for examples.

Average priorities over 28 responses
  1. Grocery store, health food, bakery/cafe, breakfast restaurant, wine shop, bottle shop, deli, ice cream/yogurt
    Restaurants and food
  2. Bookstore, florist, sporting goods, hardware store, frame store, urban farm supply, home accessories, consignment, clothing, office supplies
  3. Art studios, movie theater, performance space
  4. Fitness center, laundry and dry cleaning, pharmacy, alterations, spa, doggie day care
    Personal care / services
  5. Community center, daycare, technical training school, tutoring services
    Community / educational services
  6. Co-working space, real estate, banking, insurance, medical/dental, optometrist, attorney, mailing/shipping, counseling
    Professional services
  7. other
    Other - input suggestions below

Input your suggestions for "Other" below:


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Jillian Mathews inside LENTS
November 7, 2014, 10:49 PM
  • What would you like to have in your neighborhood? Click on a category for examples.
    1. other
      Other - input suggestions below
    2. Grocery store, health food, bakery/cafe, breakfast restaurant, wine shop, bottle shop, deli, ice cream/yogurt
      Restaurants and food
    3. Art studios, movie theater, performance space
    4. Bookstore, florist, sporting goods, hardware store, frame store, urban farm supply, home accessories, consignment, clothing, office supplies
    5. Fitness center, laundry and dry cleaning, pharmacy, alterations, spa, doggie day care
      Personal care / services
    6. Co-working space, real estate, banking, insurance, medical/dental, optometrist, attorney, mailing/shipping, counseling
      Professional services
    7. Community center, daycare, technical training school, tutoring services
      Community / educational services
  • Input your suggestions for "Other" below:

    Ideally, for the main street area anyway, I would love a small cinema, like mcminnemans or st. johns cinema. This is why entertainment comes before merchandise for me. I would also love a REAL bakery, and a nice coffee shop (like Anna Banana). A cute little restaurant, serving breakfast, lunch then dinner. A consignment shop like consign couture would be great! A nice nail salon like exodos, or spoil me nails would also be wonderful (a day spa). A bank would add to convenience, but honestly Chase is down at Fred Meyer so that isn't mandatory for me! I would love a dog groomer/doggy daycare! Beauty for the Beast maybe (in St. Johns)? A health food store somewhere in the area like New Seasons would be AMAZING! STELLAR! A Dutch Bros closer to town center. A dry cleaners/laundry mat would be a good touch. Especially dry cleaning though- it helps attract professionals. I don't think that a daycare or community center would be great for the main streets (safety reasons), but right off of them would be great! Community centers should ideally be near/connected too a park. There is a post office at walmart, so having one closer isn't so important to me. But it would be nice if our packages went there and not down to Johnson Creek... At least us for North Lents (not sure how South Lents people feel). Also a community gym in the area like west coast fitness would be awesome! An art studio and floral shop would also be such a cute touch!

  • Please provide any additional comments:

    ALSO--- SIDEWALKS LOTS OF SIDEWALKS. And the Lents permanent market like Pikes Place--- done nicely... An ice cream/gelato (better) shop. Copper Penny can go. I want a small town feel (almost like st johns but minus the surplus of bars, add the Lents Market, keep the goats, and community orchard).

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List Order Item
Merchandise Bookstore, florist, sporting goods, hardware store, frame store, urban farm supply, home accessories, consignment, clothing, office supplies Details
Restaurants and food Grocery store, health food, bakery/cafe, breakfast restaurant, wine shop, bottle shop, deli, ice cream/yogurt Details
Entertainment Art studios, movie theater, performance space Details
Personal care / services Fitness center, laundry and dry cleaning, pharmacy, alterations, spa, doggie day care Details
Professional services Co-working space, real estate, banking, insurance, medical/dental, optometrist, attorney, mailing/shipping, counseling Details
Community / educational services Community center, daycare, technical training school, tutoring services Details
Other - input suggestions below other Details

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