North American Properties, the new owner of the 80-acre site at the northwest corner of GA-400 and Old Milton Parkway that was formerly known as Prospect Park, has submitted to the City of Alpharetta their proposed plan for developing the site. As envisioned by the owner, the project, now named “Avalon”, would be a development consisting of retail, office, hotel, and residential uses with additional outparcels set aside for future sale or development.
While the formal public hearings for the Avalon Proposal are tentatively scheduled to begin on March 1st when the proposal is presented to the Planning Commission, the City of Alpharetta is seeking early feedback on the owner’s plans.
Please take a few moments to view the proposed site plan (Download Site Plan) for Avalon and the table comparing the uses proposed by North American Properties to those that were approved for the former Prospect Park (Download Comparison Table). Then, let us know your initial impressions, thoughts, concerns or suggestions. Your comments may be helpful to North American Properties as its plans are further refined and may also assist the Planning Commission and the City Council as part of their consideration of the proposal.