What are your thoughts and impressions on the new, citizen-inspired concept plan released July 21st for redevelopment of the City's property in Downtown Alpharetta?
30 positions on forum
Frans Mahieu Inside Alpharetta
Overall, I like this plan and believe it is the right direction for Downtown Alpharetta.
I like the progress you have made and also how you showed how each of the issues has been addressed.
The new concept looks much better now: greener, cozier, less formal and friendlier. Much more exciting and fitting!
It will be very important to designate some of the business areas (and main street) for cafes (with outdoor seating), restaurants and coffee shops and ice cream parlors so we can have a real destination similarly like Canton street in Roswell.
Make sure that there is a good and save biking connection to the Big Creek Green Way off Webb Bridge road or Old Milton Pkwy to make this an eco-friendly designation that ties two of Alpharetta's greatest assets together.
Nice work. Now the devil will be in the details.
Name not shown Inside Alpharetta
Overall, I like this plan and believe it is the right direction for Downtown Alpharetta.
I'm looking forward to Alpharetta becoming a destination. In my experience, one of the key factors to becoming a destination is outdoor dining. We need cafe's and restaurants with outdoor seating along the street or the park where you can sit and people watch. European cities do a great job of this. Today whenever you sit outside to eat in Alpharetta, you are overlooking a parking lot. The outdoor dining needs to be in the middle of the action - bring people together and create an energetic environment. And, by the way, we need liberal rules concerning the consumption of alcoholic beverages within this zone similar to the new rules adopted by Roswell.
Name not shown Outside Alpharetta
I think I may like this but am having a hard time envisioning what it would actually look like when built.
I hope that the decision makers will develop a traditional, "Main Street America" meeting spot for the residents of Alpharetta to enjoy. I am definitely not an expert on redevelopment or development in general but I did work for a developer in Franklin, TN for 2 years (lived there for 5).
Franklin, TN is 10 to 20 miles south of Nashville and reminds me so much of Alpharetta. It has a rich history, good schools, a mall shopping area that resembles North Point Pkwy within 5 miles of the square and so on. It is also home to Nissan North America, Tractor Supply Company (corporate), an outstanding hospital and so on.
The big difference is the "Main Street"/"Town Square". Downtown Franklin is constantly bustleing with shoppers, diners and kids at all hours of the day. For awhile I wondered how the downtown merchants kept people shopping and dining locally and I finally came to the conclusion that it was the city's creation of events that include and request the participation of all of the shops and restaurants on Main Street.
At least 2 weekends a month the city sponsors or organizes a festival or event that draws people in from Nashville, Alabama, Chattanooga, GA etc. Examples are
Pumpkin Fest/Bar-b-que Fest/Chili cook-off (all three events are happening at once and it brings the dads, moms and kids in their costumes) All of the businesses participate by passing out candy inside their store, which brings mom in and so on....
Wine Down Main Street (wine tasting event)...
Each store/restaurant participates and serves a different wine. Its about $100 per person and sells out every year. It takes people into stores and restaurants that they would have never visited if they simply drove by. The restauants have a sampling of their menu available and the retail shops have a gift or an exclusive coupon to give the participants. The city allows overnight parking (free and patroled overnight) and there are at least 50 cabs waiting at the end of the street which is closed to traffic on that night and ever time there is an event.
Main Street Festival (April) My point is that it takes the help of everyone to make a town desirable and successful. Everyone has to be on board to ensure that people can come downtown, shop, eat, discover other small businesses,have fun and get home safely.
Walking Tour of Historic Homes
Christmas Parade ("Dickens of a Christmas" where there are Charles Dickens characters walking the streets and the town goes back in time for a day)
St Patty's Day parade,
Heritage Festival (Civil War reinactments and so on)
Various events that appeal to all age groups will bring more people to Alpharetta, the businesses that have closed or moved to Roswell (another good example of a town that appeals to all and has maintained its historical feel while attracting modern restaurants, shopping) will want to return along with new businesses and it will just be perfect :)
I was raised in Alpharetta, graduated from Chattahoochee in 98', work in Alpharetta and am currently raising my family here. It has changed a lot since I was a third grader at Dolvin and although I embrace growth and change, it has not been positive for Alpharetta in recent years. Hopefully the police force can be present more often in the areas that need attention since they have a smaller area to concentrate on with the creation of the EXTREMELY overstaffed, bored, Barney Fifeish Johns Creek Speed control team! Im still having trouble driving 35 mph everywhere I go...HAHA!
I am one of very few that came back to Alpharetta after college and have returned to raise my family. I think that it would be more attractive to my age group +/_ 10 yrs if there was an active downtown/gathering spot. The friends that I still keep in touch with and grew up with live in Decatur, Brookhaven and even Roswell so they can go out for drinks with friends/spouses and the next day take their family to the farmers market and Arts/Kids Event Festival. The sad part is that they drive to Windward Pkwy to work and spend their money elsewhere. I have the luxury of working in Alpharetta but Roswell is about as local as I get when it comes to shopping (with the exception of Southern Comforts and The Savvy Snoot....LOVE BOTH)
It will take time but I am excited to see the progress and redevelopment of downtown Alpharetta no matter what! Im sure that it will take on a life and look of its own!
Thats my opinion/long winded 2 cents! Sorry it was so long....
Name not shown Inside Alpharetta
Overall, I like this plan and believe it is the right direction for Downtown Alpharetta.
Please can you ensure that the parking deck is architecturally pleasing. I saw the multi-level parking deck of downtown Franklin, TN last week which is situated in their historical shopping district. It has a brick exterior that blends in with the historical buildings on either side. Their parking decks are not eye-sores, but they look very nice indeed. I took some photographs of it, if you would like me to email them to you.
A library is a must, no question about that.
Really looking forward to the sense of community that this project will bring to the City of Alpharetta. In hard economic times this sense of community is what we all need. If we have the money, I think it should be completed.
Thank you.
Name not shown Inside Alpharetta
I support the revitalization of Downtown Alpharetta but do not like what I see in this plan.
I do think that these revisions are an improvement over the last round. However, the west side of Main Street is STILL unaddressed with no plan to pull together the entire downtown area. Other cities have successfully revitalized their entire downtown area, Alpharetta should be able to do the same. Unlike another poster, I do not support connecting Haynes Bridge Road with Mayfield, nor do I think it should be moved. As a resident of Mannings Ridge, I certainly don't want all of the Haynes Bridge traffic running right past my quiet neighborhood. There were several good ideas within the comments of how to address the traffic congestion. I hope Council takes these under serious consideration. I am still opposed to that monstrosity of a parking deck; it's overkill and completely unnecessary. I like the idea of another poster to move the library location to Canton Street where those ugly PVC pipes are. Ultimately, I think this project should wait and not incure further debt for the City. There are other more pressing issues facing Alpharetta and as much as I would love to see a revitalized downtown (been waiting a LONG time), I think the timing is wrong.
Name not shown Inside Alpharetta
I think I may like this but am having a hard time envisioning what it would actually look like when built.
Great idea with a more 'natural' approach. The more trees and water features the better. Useful water features will draw families to the downtown.
Concerns - is this still going to give us enough room for the Taste of Alpharetta and other events? Are any new restaurants/bars going to be prohibited from selling alcohol due to the nearby churches? Also, it might be a nice thought to not copy other successful downtowns like Suwanee, but remember they are proven successful.
Please make sure the water features are useful for the kids, not just a 'pretty' feature.
Name not shown Inside Alpharetta
Overall, I like this plan and believe it is the right direction for Downtown Alpharetta.
This concept is much better than the original concept. My only remaining concern is the lack of integration with the shops across Main Street. Wide sidewalks and benches with lots of shade and pedestrian crossings with more inviting retail would really pull this together.
ROBERT FORREST Inside Alpharetta
I support the revitalization of Downtown Alpharetta but do not like what I see in this plan.
Don't need a library -- ask the library board to provide online subscriptions to ebooks for area residents
Don't waste millions moving Haynes Bridge over. Rather take that money and extend Haynes Bridge north to Cumming street and if possible to align with Mayfield at Hwy 9... THIS will cut a lot of traffic out of downtown and main street.
Name not shown Inside Alpharetta
Overall, I like this plan and believe it is the right direction for Downtown Alpharetta.
I liked the original plan and I also like this revised plan. I would however like to see a new city hall building. I also think it may be better if Haynes Bridge dead ended into a traffic circle next to the entrance of Publix and the library instead of coming all the way to Academy. This would cut down on congestion and noise in the park area. Westside Parkway should be opened up soon I would imagine (since Prospect Park is back on) and it seems the need for Haynes Bridge connecting all the way to Academy would be lessened once that happens.
I am very happy about this redevelopment in general and I hope the construction can begin soon. My wife and I will certainly walk and drive to downtown often to shop, eat, and enjoy.
I support the revitalization of Downtown Alpharetta but do not like what I see in this plan.
Boring and I hate the big parking lot. we should be green!!