36 positions on forum
February 17, 2011, 2:33 PM
I say maybe
I think it would benefit the city to alleviate some traffic on 400. I use MARTA and the park and ride. I would like to reduce my commute time and improve my mental health but I have not looked at the statistics with transit and crime rates. By no means do I want to increase the crime in the community but I see the benefits for myself and others. So just maybe till I get more info.
Jay Naegele inside Alpharetta
October 5, 2010, 4:37 PM
I say no
Mass transit will not serve the interests of the residents, businesses and merchants of Alpharetta.
Eric Danz inside Alpharetta
March 8, 2010, 7:57 AM
I say yes
The bus system we have now is enough for traffic in and around the downtown area. However a Rail station at North Point Mall would be a great value add.
February 22, 2010, 6:36 PM
I say no
Public Tansit brings negitive thing to the areas in which they serve. It has proven statistics that MARTA bring crime to the areas in which they serve and "rails" are nothing for a suburban city they are nothing but eye sores for a beatiful town like ours!
February 21, 2010, 6:54 PM
I say yes
We need MARTA rail.
Julie Hogg inside Alpharetta
February 19, 2010, 8:28 AM
I say no
the only public transit I would like to see more of in Alpharetta is the kind that walks or bikes with 2 legs. Obesity is epidemic in the U.S. and this health concern ultimately affects employers and cost of insurance carriers. I am in favor of more sidewalks and bike lanes.
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I say maybe
I think it would benefit the city to alleviate some traffic on 400. I use MARTA and the park and ride. I would like to reduce my commute time and improve my mental health but I have not looked at the statistics with transit and crime rates. By no means do I want to increase the crime in the community but I see the benefits for myself and others. So just maybe till I get more info.