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Check out some recent Registered Statements from forum participants
Name not shown inside Orem Boundary May 27, 2024, 10:55 AM
What is the LOWEST percentage of vegetation coverage we should require for a front yard? 20%
Do you think we should allow artificial lawns in Orem? Yes
Any additional thoughts / comments? More waterwise choices and suggestions as well as helps would be appreciated. There are other municipal areas that can get state help but not Orem. Orem needs to be on this just as much as anyone else. With how much water conservation is pushed in the city it is very surprising that Orem City does not participate in the program that the state offers. It is a great disadvantage to Orem and its residents.
Name not available inside Orem Boundary October 25, 2023, 9:56 PM
What is the LOWEST percentage of vegetation coverage we should require for a front yard? 0%
Do you think we should allow artificial lawns in Orem? Yes
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 10, 2020, 8:06 AM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? No
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? No
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Tunnel or Embankment Slide, Double Balance Beam, Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play)
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 9, 2020, 2:54 PM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? Yes
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? Yes
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Tunnel or Embankment Slide, Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Double Balance Beam, Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play)
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 8, 2020, 3:16 PM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? Yes
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? Yes
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play), Tunnel or Embankment Slide, Double Balance Beam
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 7, 2020, 7:50 PM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? Yes
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? Yes
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Tunnel or Embankment Slide, Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play), Double Balance Beam
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 7, 2020, 1:23 PM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? Yes
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? Yes
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Tunnel or Embankment Slide, Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play), Double Balance Beam
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 7, 2020, 6:27 AM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? Yes
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? No
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Tunnel or Embankment Slide, Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play), Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Double Balance Beam
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 7, 2020, 12:51 AM
State Street needs marked bike lanes. They are marked in AF, PG, Lindon, and Provo. This could be very cheap, just the cost of paint to mark the lane and red curbs to stop people from parking. This would make biking quicker and safer, and encouraging biking gets cars off the road and makes traffic better for everyone.
Name not available inside Orem Boundary March 6, 2020, 11:38 PM
Do you think the natural playground would be a good addition to Timpanogos Park? Yes
Would you or your family attend a new natural playground at this location? Yes
Please rank the proposed features from your most favorite to your least favorite. Timber & Rope Climbing Course , Climbing Boulders with Climbing Ropes, Double Balance Beam, Informal Play Elements (e.g. log play), Tunnel or Embankment Slide