Subscribe to Open Town Hall

Laytonsville Local Park Playground and Park Improvements
Share Your Thoughts on Playground Improvements for Laytonsville Local Park.
Active Aging Survey
This online platform is used to gather feedback from the community. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary; Montgomery Parks staff will consider all input submitted in their decision-making process. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.
We encourage all participants to register, but it is not necessary. To register, you will be asked for your name, home address, and email. This confidential information is only used to identify statements from residents in and near Montgomery County - so that users know which statements are from local residents.
When you first engage with a topic, the platform will ask if you want your response to be shown on the website, you can choose “Yes - show it with my name” or “Yes - show it without my name”. When selecting yes, you must register and sign in, this will allow the public to view your “registered” response. To submit an anonymous response, you must select "No - just show it without my name to staff" and you will not need to register.
Please note, Open Town Hall is run by OpenGov, a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. They will keep your information confidential per their strict privacy agreement.