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Check out some recent Registered Statements from forum participants
Carla Ellern inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase December 5, 2024, 4:17 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Picnicking and having a quiet place to sit (gazebos, picnic tables, benches, lawn areas), Enjoying the shade, trees, and open space, Strolling on park walkways
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I work nearby
How often do you visit the park? Daily
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] Other - Needs more plantings
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] Physical/movement/climbing play
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Easy climbers
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Freestanding climbers
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Street workout (fitness rig or circuit for bodyweight exercises)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Other - More plantings. Existing park is visually boring on ground plane.
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 55 to 64
Do you have any other comments on the current park or potential improvements? Please share any other ideas or concerns you think are important. Make it interesting and lush.
Sonya Starnes inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase December 3, 2024, 9:27 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Strolling on park walkways
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby, I work nearby
How often do you visit the park? Once a month
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] Other - None
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Street workout (fitness rig or circuit for bodyweight exercises), Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Improvements to the Elm Street pedestrian promenade (between 46th and 47th Streets), including new paving, furniture, lighting, etc., and a safe crossing with the realigned Capital Crescent Trail, Pedestrian walkway connection between the northern section of Elm Street Park and the future Bethesda Market Park (park pathway separated from Capital Crescent Trail), Preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new trees, Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Bike parking
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 55 to 64
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 30, 2024, 1:51 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Picnicking and having a quiet place to sit (gazebos, picnic tables, benches, lawn areas), Strolling on park walkways
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby
How often do you visit the park? Twice a week
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] The equipment is outdated or uninteresting
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Improvements to the Elm Street pedestrian promenade (between 46th and 47th Streets), including new paving, furniture, lighting, etc., and a safe crossing with the realigned Capital Crescent Trail, Pedestrian walkway connection between the northern section of Elm Street Park and the future Bethesda Market Park (park pathway separated from Capital Crescent Trail), Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Drinking fountain, Stormwater management
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 65 and over
Do you have any other comments on the current park or potential improvements? Please share any other ideas or concerns you think are important. exclude the use of motorized scooters within playground/park limits
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 21, 2024, 8:40 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Playing on the playgrounds, Enjoying the shade, trees, and open space
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I stop by when visiting Bethesda
How often do you visit the park? Less than once a month
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] The equipment is outdated or uninteresting, There are better playground options nearby, There are maintenance items that need to be addressed (e.g., bamboo, drainage issues, erosion, graffiti)
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] 5-12 years old
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] Physical/movement/climbing play, Social/team play
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Interactive play, Simple slides
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Towers, Freestanding climbers, Track rides
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Street workout (fitness rig or circuit for bodyweight exercises), Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Site furnishings such as benches, chairs, picnic tables, game tables, waste receptacles, etc., Drinking fountain, Other - Bathroom
What is your zip code? 20816
What is your age? 35 to 44
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 21, 2024, 3:02 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Attending events in the park (e.g., yappy hour, fitness classes, Acoustics and Ales)
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby
How often do you visit the park? Twice a week
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] There isn’t enough play equipment, The equipment is outdated or uninteresting, There are better playground options nearby
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] No preference, Other - I would prefer a dog park. I think that would get a lot more use than a multi-generational fitness area. I never see those being used at other parks.
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Improvements to the Elm Street pedestrian promenade (between 46th and 47th Streets), including new paving, furniture, lighting, etc., and a safe crossing with the realigned Capital Crescent Trail, Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Site furnishings such as benches, chairs, picnic tables, game tables, waste receptacles, etc., Drinking fountain, Bench-style swings
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 45 to 54
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 21, 2024, 11:17 AM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Enjoying the shade, trees, and open space
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby
How often do you visit the park? Once a week
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] Other - I do not use the playground so cannot comment on this item
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Parkour/Calisthenics rack (for jumping, climbing, balancing)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new trees, Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Shade
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 55 to 64
Do you have any other comments on the current park or potential improvements? Please share any other ideas or concerns you think are important. Please maximize natural space and trees and do not fill up the space with hardscape and/or too much gym equipment. Simplicity and natural materials where possible will enhance the attractiveness and tranquility of the space.
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 20, 2024, 7:33 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Playing on the playgrounds, Picnicking and having a quiet place to sit (gazebos, picnic tables, benches, lawn areas), Attending events in the park (e.g., yappy hour, fitness classes, Acoustics and Ales)
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby, I work nearby, I stop by when visiting Bethesda
How often do you visit the park? Daily
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] The equipment is outdated or uninteresting, Lack of shade, There are maintenance items that need to be addressed (e.g., bamboo, drainage issues, erosion, graffiti)
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] Physical/movement/climbing play, Themed/imaginary/dramatic play
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Easy climbers, Imaginative play (playhouse, truck, etc.), Jumping and bouncing, Enclosed swings, Simple slides
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Towers, Swings, Chain and cable walks, Rope tunnels, Freestanding climbers
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Street workout (fitness rig or circuit for bodyweight exercises), Parkour/Calisthenics rack (for jumping, climbing, balancing), Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Improvements to the Elm Street pedestrian promenade (between 46th and 47th Streets), including new paving, furniture, lighting, etc., and a safe crossing with the realigned Capital Crescent Trail, Preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new trees, Site furnishings such as benches, chairs, picnic tables, game tables, waste receptacles, etc., Bench-style swings, Shade
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 45 to 54
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 19, 2024, 4:58 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Attending events in the park (e.g., yappy hour, fitness classes, Acoustics and Ales), Other - my dog and I walk there almost everyday. We are eagerly awaiting the dog park
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby, Other - dog walking
How often do you visit the park? Daily
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] There are better playground options nearby
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I don’t bring children to the playground
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] Physical/movement/climbing play
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Spring toys, Easy climbers, Jumping and bouncing, Enclosed swings, Simple slides
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Swings, Freestanding climbers, Spinners, Parallel bars, Track rides
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Parkour/Calisthenics rack (for jumping, climbing, balancing), Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.), Other - functional fitness
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Drinking fountain, Other - dog park or dog amenities
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 55 to 64
Do you have any other comments on the current park or potential improvements? Please share any other ideas or concerns you think are important. dog park and bocce courts provide social venue for community
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 19, 2024, 4:51 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Playing on the playgrounds, Enjoying the shade, trees, and open space, Strolling on park walkways
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby
How often do you visit the park? Once a week
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] The equipment is outdated or uninteresting, Other - This park has very heavy use by the preschools in the area. That's wonderful, but you are creating even smaller space for them.
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] 2-5 years old
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] Physical/movement/climbing play, Other - SWINGS for toddlers and older children.
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Easy climbers, Simple bridges, Imaginative play (playhouse, truck, etc.), Enclosed swings, Simple slides
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Swings, Chain and cable walks, Freestanding climbers, Horizontal climbers, Challenging slides
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.), Other - There are plenty of gyms around. You need space to accommodate the preschools and nanny groups.
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Improvements to the Elm Street pedestrian promenade (between 46th and 47th Streets), including new paving, furniture, lighting, etc., and a safe crossing with the realigned Capital Crescent Trail, Pedestrian walkway connection between the northern section of Elm Street Park and the future Bethesda Market Park (park pathway separated from Capital Crescent Trail), Preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new trees, Site furnishings such as benches, chairs, picnic tables, game tables, waste receptacles, etc.
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 65 and over
Do you have any other comments on the current park or potential improvements? Please share any other ideas or concerns you think are important. Have you been to the park in the mornings when all of the preschools are there? It is dangerously crowded.
Name not shown inside Bethesda/Chevy Chase November 19, 2024, 3:52 PM
What are your favorite activities and amenities at Elm Street Urban Park? [SELECT UP TO 3] Picnicking and having a quiet place to sit (gazebos, picnic tables, benches, lawn areas), Attending events in the park (e.g., yappy hour, fitness classes, Acoustics and Ales)
What other reasons bring you to Bethesda when you visit Elm Street Park? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] I live nearby
How often do you visit the park? Once a week
What challenges or issues at the existing playground are of greatest concern? [SELECT UP TO 3] The equipment is outdated or uninteresting
What age range are the children you bring to the current playground (or would bring to a renovated playground)? [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] 5-12 years old
What play experiences or themes are most important to you? [SELECT UP TO 2] Physical/movement/climbing play
What are your biggest play priorities for 2–5-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] No preference
What are your biggest play priorities for 5–12-year-olds? [SELECT UP TO 5] Swings
The current concept design includes a multi-generational fitness area. What are your top fitness priorities? [SELECT UP TO 3] Street workout (fitness rig or circuit for bodyweight exercises), Strength training (circuit of chest press, leg curl, steppers, etc.)
The current concept design recommends several other new features, in addition to the playground and fitness areas. What are your top priorities for supporting amenities? [SELECT UP TO 5] Improvements to the Elm Street pedestrian promenade (between 46th and 47th Streets), including new paving, furniture, lighting, etc., and a safe crossing with the realigned Capital Crescent Trail, Pedestrian walkway connection between the northern section of Elm Street Park and the future Bethesda Market Park (park pathway separated from Capital Crescent Trail), Providing shade by preserving existing trees as much as possible and planting new ones, Site furnishings such as benches, chairs, picnic tables, game tables, waste receptacles, etc., Shade
What is your zip code? 20815
What is your age? 45 to 54