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Create parks and recreation of the future. Take this survey!

336 registered responses

While we'd love to learn as much about your ideas for the future of parks, we recognize some of you have less time than others. How would you prefer to participate and provide your feedback about Parks of the Future?

Response Percent Response Count
I'd like to fill out the complete survey (approx 10 minutes). 89.9% 302
I'd just like to provide my general comments about Parks of the Future. 10.1% 34

How often does your household use parks, recreation facilities, or programs in a year?

Response Percent Response Count
Rarely (1 to 3 times a year) 3.0% 9
Occasionally (4 to 8 times a year) 7.6% 23
Regularly (9 or more times a year) 89.4% 271

What do you feel are the top three functions provided by Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Recreation?

Average priorities over 336 responses
  1. Natural areas support a variety of ecological communities, and they form the backbone of our park system. Montgomery Parks recognizes these areas provide respite for park patrons and ecological benefits. The stewardship of these resources is a key component of a successful park system.

    Preservation of natural resources
  2. Montgomery Parks offers many opportunities to promote fitness and health within its 418 parks, including paved and natural surface trails, fitness equipment, amenities to exercise such as ice skating rinks, tennis centers and numerous athletic fields. 

    Fitness and health
  3. Montgomery Parks is dedicated to preserving and interpreting cultural resources for current and future generations including historic buildings, archaeological sites, and other culturally significant places.

    Preservation of cultural / historic resources
  4. Parks are an ideal location for social gatherings with families, friends and neighbors. Montgomery Parks has many amenities to enhance such gatherings including camp grounds, picnic shelters, park activity buildings and play grounds. 

    Social gathering
  5. Montgomery Parks offers hundreds of athletic fields used for a wide variety of sports such as baseball, soccer, cricket and more. There are also basketball and tennis courts, ice skating rinks, an indoor sports pavilion among other amenities promoting sports in our parks. 

  6. Hundreds of events and festivals take place in Montgomery Parks every year including nature festivals, races, musical events and seasonal celebrations. 


How would you rate the agency's parks, facilities and services in meeting the communities needs?

Response Percent Response Count
1 Poor 1.7% 5
2 Fair 8.6% 26
3 Good 45.4% 137
4 Excellent 36.4% 110
5 7.0% 21
Recreational facilities
Response Percent Response Count
1 Poor 2.3% 7
2 Fair 14.6% 44
3 Good 47.4% 143
4 Excellent 27.8% 84
5 4.0% 12
Recreational programs
Response Percent Response Count
1 Poor 1.3% 4
2 Fair 16.2% 49
3 Good 44.0% 133
4 Excellent 24.2% 73
5 7.3% 22

Are there any segments of the community that need to be better served by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation? If so, who are they and how can they be better served?


What do you believe are the three most important issues / challenges facing Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation in the next five years?


Why did you choose these top three functions?


What amenities, programs or experiences are missing that would better support your recreation needs that we should be planning for in the future?


How would you describe your household? Please check ALL that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
At least one child under age 18 lives here 34.4% 104
Someone age 55 and over lives here 58.3% 176
No children under 18 and no one age 55+ lives here 11.6% 35
Someone with a disability lives here 9.3% 28
Single-family detached house or townhouse / duplex 86.1% 260
Multi-family low- or high-rise building 7.0% 21
Use bus or rail public transit for non-work related trips 34.4% 104
Lived in current house for less than two years 10.6% 32
Lived in current house 15 or more years 54.0% 163
Hispanic or Latino ancestry 6.3% 19
White 84.4% 255
African American or Black 3.6% 11
Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 5.6% 17
Some other race 1.3% 4

Please provide your zip code here to help us to determine where facilities and services are needed.


Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation staff plan for the County's future parks, recreational facilities or programs?

Joyce Kraimer inside Kemp Mill/4 Corners
February 9, 2017, 3:31 PM
  • While we'd love to learn as much about your ideas for the future of parks, we recognize some of you have less time than others. How would you prefer to participate and provide your feedback about Parks of the Future?
    • I'd like to fill out the complete survey (approx 10 minutes).
  • How often does your household use parks, recreation facilities, or programs in a year?
    • Regularly (9 or more times a year)
  • What do you feel are the top three functions provided by Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Recreation?
    No response.
  • How would you rate the agency's parks, facilities and services in meeting the communities needs?
    • Parks - 3 Good
    • Recreational facilities - 2 Fair
    • Recreational programs - 2 Fair
  • Are there any segments of the community that need to be better served by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation? If so, who are they and how can they be better served?

    Active senior sports leagues and facilities. Convert as a many existing tennis courts to also allow pickleball to be played on them. Some type of organized volleyball senior league.

  • What do you believe are the three most important issues / challenges facing Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation in the next five years?

    Changing demographics
    Cost of activities
    Field and facility maintenance

  • Why did you choose these top three functions?

    They impact what activities are offered, quality of programs.

  • What amenities, programs or experiences are missing that would better support your recreation needs that we should be planning for in the future?

    Pickleball is becoming a very popular sport, more courts are needed (existing tennis courts can be used).
    Currently, there are no adult volleyball leagues offered by Montgomery County. An over 40 league would be welcome. Currently, only the City of Rockville has women's and co-ed adult volleyball leagues, the fees are overpriced, the Middle School venues are substandard, but it is the only game in town. The City of Gaithersburg has very good facilities and competitive women's volleyball leagues.

  • How would you describe your household? Please check ALL that apply.
    • Someone age 55 and over lives here
    • Someone with a disability lives here
    • Single-family detached house or townhouse / duplex
    • White
  • Please provide your zip code here to help us to determine where facilities and services are needed.
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