While we'd love to learn as much about your ideas for the future of parks, we recognize some of you have less time than others. How would you prefer to participate and provide your feedback about Parks of the Future?
I'd like to fill out the complete survey (approx 10 minutes).
How often does your household use parks, recreation facilities, or programs in a year?
Regularly (9 or more times a year)
What do you feel are the top three functions provided by Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Recreation?
Natural areas support a variety of ecological communities, and they form the backbone of our park system. Montgomery Parks recognizes these areas provide respite for park patrons and ecological benefits. The stewardship of these resources is a key component of a successful park system.
Montgomery Parks is dedicated to preserving and interpreting cultural resources for current and future generations including historic buildings, archaeological sites, and other culturally significant places.
Montgomery Parks offers many opportunities to promote fitness and health within its 418 parks, including paved and natural surface trails, fitness equipment, amenities to exercise such as ice skating rinks, tennis centers and numerous athletic fields.
Parks are an ideal location for social gatherings with families, friends and neighbors. Montgomery Parks has many amenities to enhance such gatherings including camp grounds, picnic shelters, park activity buildings and play grounds.
How would you rate the agency's parks, facilities and services in meeting the communities needs?
Parks - 4 Excellent
Recreational facilities - 2 Fair
Recreational programs - 4 Excellent
Are there any segments of the community that need to be better served by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation? If so, who are they and how can they be better served?
I have lived in Aspen Hill for almost 20 years. There has never been playground that does not require crossing a major road which is dangerous for moms with little ones in tow or older kids on their own. The Wheaton Woods park requires crossing Aspen Hill Road and the new one at Berman requires crossing Arctic. Even with crosswalks this is often a hairy experience. Considering that the Wheaton Woods pool is selling part of its land to raise funds, why not help a community asset to survive by purchasing the land and establishing a playground on the empty lots? I strongly believe that the Parks and Recreation of the Future includes a new playground in Aspen Hill, only one block away from the soon-to-be renovated library. Even better, make it a combination playground and dog park. There is more than enough space on the parcel for sale to accommodate both. What a better location to enable our little ones to exercise their bodies and their minds? The benefits to the community would be tremendous. The love we have for our kids and our dogs is something that spans language and ethnicity. Such a park could bring all the diverse members of our community together in a positive and healthy atmosphere.
What do you believe are the three most important issues / challenges facing Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation in the next five years?
Providing opportunities and venues for ALL of our residents to meet and get to know each other, fostering trust, friendship and understanding.
Maintaining wild and green spaces among all the development.
Educating people about the critical importance outside time is to child development and adult health.
Why did you choose these top three functions?
Our county has a diverse population that often seems to self segregate. Places like playgrounds, dog parks and picnic areas bring people from all walks of life together in a way that encourages them to interact.
I am concerned that our county is too focused on build build build and that the importance of green and wild spaces is being diminished.
Our kids spend too much time inside staring at screens. Adults spend too many hours doing the same at work and at home. Insomnia, depression, anxiety and a host of other troubles physical and mental can be tied to a couch potato lifestyle. People need to be educated about the importance of spending time outside!
What amenities, programs or experiences are missing that would better support your recreation needs that we should be planning for in the future?
More playgrounds, more dog parks, and more events that focus on bringing a community together.
How would you describe your household? Please check ALL that apply.
At least one child under age 18 lives here
Someone with a disability lives here
Single-family detached house or townhouse / duplex
Use bus or rail public transit for non-work related trips
Lived in current house 15 or more years
Please provide your zip code here to help us to determine where facilities and services are needed.
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation staff plan for the County's future parks, recreational facilities or programs?
Aspen Hill needs a playground and a dog park. So many children live in the area enclosed by Aspen Hill Road, Arctic Road and Parkland Drive. They have no way to get to a playground without crossing a heavily traveled road. And currently Aspen Hill dog owners have to travel to Olney to use a dog park. It's hard to meet people in your community when you drive 20 minutes away.
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
While we'd love to learn as much about your ideas for the future of parks, we recognize some of you have less time than others. How would you prefer to participate and provide your feedback about Parks of the Future?
How often does your household use parks, recreation facilities, or programs in a year?
What do you feel are the top three functions provided by Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Recreation?
Natural areas support a variety of ecological communities, and they form the backbone of our park system. Montgomery Parks recognizes these areas provide respite for park patrons and ecological benefits. The stewardship of these resources is a key component of a successful park system.
Montgomery Parks is dedicated to preserving and interpreting cultural resources for current and future generations including historic buildings, archaeological sites, and other culturally significant places.
Montgomery Parks offers many opportunities to promote fitness and health within its 418 parks, including paved and natural surface trails, fitness equipment, amenities to exercise such as ice skating rinks, tennis centers and numerous athletic fields.
Parks are an ideal location for social gatherings with families, friends and neighbors. Montgomery Parks has many amenities to enhance such gatherings including camp grounds, picnic shelters, park activity buildings and play grounds.
How would you rate the agency's parks, facilities and services in meeting the communities needs?
Are there any segments of the community that need to be better served by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation? If so, who are they and how can they be better served?
I have lived in Aspen Hill for almost 20 years. There has never been playground that does not require crossing a major road which is dangerous for moms with little ones in tow or older kids on their own. The Wheaton Woods park requires crossing Aspen Hill Road and the new one at Berman requires crossing Arctic. Even with crosswalks this is often a hairy experience. Considering that the Wheaton Woods pool is selling part of its land to raise funds, why not help a community asset to survive by purchasing the land and establishing a playground on the empty lots? I strongly believe that the Parks and Recreation of the Future includes a new playground in Aspen Hill, only one block away from the soon-to-be renovated library. Even better, make it a combination playground and dog park. There is more than enough space on the parcel for sale to accommodate both. What a better location to enable our little ones to exercise their bodies and their minds? The benefits to the community would be tremendous. The love we have for our kids and our dogs is something that spans language and ethnicity. Such a park could bring all the diverse members of our community together in a positive and healthy atmosphere.
What do you believe are the three most important issues / challenges facing Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation in the next five years?
Providing opportunities and venues for ALL of our residents to meet and get to know each other, fostering trust, friendship and understanding.
Maintaining wild and green spaces among all the development.
Educating people about the critical importance outside time is to child development and adult health.
Why did you choose these top three functions?
Our county has a diverse population that often seems to self segregate. Places like playgrounds, dog parks and picnic areas bring people from all walks of life together in a way that encourages them to interact.
I am concerned that our county is too focused on build build build and that the importance of green and wild spaces is being diminished.
Our kids spend too much time inside staring at screens. Adults spend too many hours doing the same at work and at home. Insomnia, depression, anxiety and a host of other troubles physical and mental can be tied to a couch potato lifestyle. People need to be educated about the importance of spending time outside!
What amenities, programs or experiences are missing that would better support your recreation needs that we should be planning for in the future?
More playgrounds, more dog parks, and more events that focus on bringing a community together.
How would you describe your household? Please check ALL that apply.
Please provide your zip code here to help us to determine where facilities and services are needed.
20853Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation staff plan for the County's future parks, recreational facilities or programs?
Aspen Hill needs a playground and a dog park. So many children live in the area enclosed by Aspen Hill Road, Arctic Road and Parkland Drive. They have no way to get to a playground without crossing a heavily traveled road. And currently Aspen Hill dog owners have to travel to Olney to use a dog park. It's hard to meet people in your community when you drive 20 minutes away.