While we'd love to learn as much about your ideas for the future of parks, we recognize some of you have less time than others. How would you prefer to participate and provide your feedback about Parks of the Future?
I'd like to fill out the complete survey (approx 10 minutes).
How often does your household use parks, recreation facilities, or programs in a year?
Regularly (9 or more times a year)
What do you feel are the top three functions provided by Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Recreation?
Natural areas support a variety of ecological communities, and they form the backbone of our park system. Montgomery Parks recognizes these areas provide respite for park patrons and ecological benefits. The stewardship of these resources is a key component of a successful park system.
How would you rate the agency's parks, facilities and services in meeting the communities needs?
Parks - 2 Fair
Recreational facilities - 2 Fair
Recreational programs - 2 Fair
Are there any segments of the community that need to be better served by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation? If so, who are they and how can they be better served?
Senior citizens. For example, there is a waiting list for the free bone-builders classes. More exercise classes for older residents in more locations.
What do you believe are the three most important issues / challenges facing Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation in the next five years?
Invasive plants, non-native vines, non-native trees, ecological imbalance, destruction of natives by deer.
Why did you choose these top three functions?
I chose one top function: Preservation of Natural Resources. Parks should be sanctuaries for plants and the insects, birds, and animals that depend on plants. Nature is soothing and relaxing to humans. Green spaces clean the air of carbon dioxide. Park lands prevent pollution of the watershed by absorbing storm water run-off.
What amenities, programs or experiences are missing that would better support your recreation needs that we should be planning for in the future?
For recreational programs, instructors should be more experienced. Career coaches should be teaching classes. There is too much staffing by low-paid seasonal and temporary workers. One alternative could be contract workers who are paid at higher rates to provide more professional instruction.
How would you describe your household? Please check ALL that apply.
Someone age 55 and over lives here
Single-family detached house or townhouse / duplex
Lived in current house 15 or more years
Please provide your zip code here to help us to determine where facilities and services are needed.
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation staff plan for the County's future parks, recreational facilities or programs?
Our parks should not be amusement parks. We should stop spending money on holiday light extravaganzas. I oppose the annual Festival of Lights at Brookside Gardens. Resources should be re-directed to preserving balanced ecosystems in the parks. Stream beds should be planted with wetlands plants. Invasive plants and destructive animals should be eradicated. For example, it will take a lot of money to remediate the devastation caused by the Emerald Ash Borer..
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
While we'd love to learn as much about your ideas for the future of parks, we recognize some of you have less time than others. How would you prefer to participate and provide your feedback about Parks of the Future?
How often does your household use parks, recreation facilities, or programs in a year?
What do you feel are the top three functions provided by Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Recreation?
Natural areas support a variety of ecological communities, and they form the backbone of our park system. Montgomery Parks recognizes these areas provide respite for park patrons and ecological benefits. The stewardship of these resources is a key component of a successful park system.
How would you rate the agency's parks, facilities and services in meeting the communities needs?
Are there any segments of the community that need to be better served by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation? If so, who are they and how can they be better served?
Senior citizens. For example, there is a waiting list for the free bone-builders classes. More exercise classes for older residents in more locations.
What do you believe are the three most important issues / challenges facing Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation in the next five years?
Invasive plants, non-native vines, non-native trees, ecological imbalance, destruction of natives by deer.
Why did you choose these top three functions?
I chose one top function: Preservation of Natural Resources. Parks should be sanctuaries for plants and the insects, birds, and animals that depend on plants. Nature is soothing and relaxing to humans. Green spaces clean the air of carbon dioxide. Park lands prevent pollution of the watershed by absorbing storm water run-off.
What amenities, programs or experiences are missing that would better support your recreation needs that we should be planning for in the future?
For recreational programs, instructors should be more experienced. Career coaches should be teaching classes. There is too much staffing by low-paid seasonal and temporary workers. One alternative could be contract workers who are paid at higher rates to provide more professional instruction.
How would you describe your household? Please check ALL that apply.
Please provide your zip code here to help us to determine where facilities and services are needed.
20815Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to help Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation staff plan for the County's future parks, recreational facilities or programs?
Our parks should not be amusement parks. We should stop spending money on holiday light extravaganzas. I oppose the annual Festival of Lights at Brookside Gardens. Resources should be re-directed to preserving balanced ecosystems in the parks. Stream beds should be planted with wetlands plants. Invasive plants and destructive animals should be eradicated. For example, it will take a lot of money to remediate the devastation caused by the Emerald Ash Borer..