Montgomery Parks proposes to renovate the southern part of McKnew Local Park. The project intends to make infrastructure improvements to the park including:
Adding accessible parking spaces
Creating an entrance plaza
Expanding the existing basketball court to a full-size court
Resurfacing the existing tennis court
Creating new fitness station(s)
Improvements to the existing loop trail
Improvements to park drainage with the addition of stormwater management/bio-retention facilities
Adding more site furniture such as bike racks, trashcan stations, benches, tables, etc.
ADA accessibility improvements
Landscape enhancements
*Renovations to the open turf playfield is excluded from this project.
The improvement plan offers three options, all featuring the same proposed amenities. The variations lie primarily in the layout of the courts, fitness station(s), and trail alignments. For more information, visit the project page. Comment period will be open until June 7, 2024.