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What do you think the future of the Capital Crescent Trail should be?

442 responses

How often do you use the CCT?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 12.7% 56
Between 3 and 5 times a week 22.4% 99
1 or 2 times a week 18.6% 82
Once a week 6.8% 30
A couple of times a month 17.2% 76
Once a month 6.3% 28
A few times a year 15.0% 66
I do not use the CCT 0.9% 4

Which of the following activities do you engage in along the CCT? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Walking & Hiking 59.6% 263
Jogging & Running 35.6% 157
Biking 68.0% 300
Rollerblading 1.6% 7
Scootering 0.9% 4
Dog Walking 16.1% 71
Other 3.6% 16

What do you currently like about the CCT?


What do you currently dislike about the CCT?


Please rank which segments of the CCT you think are most important to renovate. (1=not important, 5=very important)

DC Line to Dalecarlia Tunnel
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Not important 15.4% 58
2 - Slightly important 16.0% 60
3 - Fairly important 18.1% 68
4 - Important 19.7% 74
5 - Very important 25.0% 94
Dalecarlia Tunnel to Massachusetts Ave
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Not important 12.8% 48
2 - Slightly important 17.3% 65
3 - Fairly important 18.9% 71
4 - Important 22.6% 85
5 - Very important 21.8% 82
Massachusetts Ave to River Rd.
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Not important 13.0% 49
2 - Slightly important 12.8% 48
3 - Fairly important 23.4% 88
4 - Important 19.7% 74
5 - Very important 22.3% 84
River Rd to Little Falls Pkwy
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Not important 12.0% 45
2 - Slightly important 13.0% 49
3 - Fairly important 14.9% 56
4 - Important 24.7% 93
5 - Very important 29.8% 112
Little Falls Pkwy to Bethesda Ave
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Not important 15.4% 58
2 - Slightly important 12.2% 46
3 - Fairly important 10.1% 38
4 - Important 19.1% 72
5 - Very important 38.3% 144

The current CCT varies in width from 8' wide to over 12' wide. What width would you ideally like to see the CCT 2.0 expanded to if there were no constraints?

Response Percent Response Count
10’ 11.8% 51
12’ 24.8% 107
14’ 31.1% 134
>14' 32.3% 139

Would you like bicyclists and other trail users to be separated?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 63.7% 279
No 16.4% 72
No preference 19.9% 87

What type of shoulders do you prefer on the side of the trail?

Response Percent Response Count
Grass 11.1% 47
Small Gravel (crushed stone) 47.0% 199
Natural Surface 34.5% 146
Other 7.3% 31

What are your favorite amenities along the trail? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Bike Racks 14.4% 60
Bike Fix-It Station 23.2% 97
Benches 63.9% 267
Picnic Table 12.0% 50
Lighting 38.0% 159
Trash Receptacles 40.7% 170
Water Fountains 59.1% 247
Exercise Stations 8.1% 34
Trailheads 29.9% 125
Restrooms 42.8% 179
Informational Signage 40.9% 171
Other 6.2% 26

What amenities are missing from the CCT? (Select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Bike Racks 8.3% 30
Bike Fix-It Stations 8.3% 30
Benches 15.2% 55
Picnic Tables 13.0% 47
Lighting 39.8% 144
Trash Receptacles 28.7% 104
Water Fountains 45.3% 164
Exercise Stations 9.9% 36
Trailheads 11.9% 43
Restrooms 58.0% 210
Informational Signage 24.0% 87
Other 10.5% 38

Please describe where you would like to see these amenities added. You can also drop a pin on the CCT 2.0 Interactive Map linked below.


Please describe where you would like to see improved network connectivity or access to the CCT. You can also drop a pin on the CCT 2.0 Interactive Map linked below.


Please describe any other concerns, ideas, or comments you would like the project team to review. You can also drop a pin on the CCT 2.0 Interactive Map linked below.


What is your zip code?


Which of the following best describes you?

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.5% 2
Asian or Pacific Islander 3.3% 14
Black or African (Not of Hispanic Origin) 1.9% 8
Hispanic or Latino 2.8% 12
White (Not of Hispanic Origin) 73.7% 314
Two or More Races 2.6% 11
Prefer not to disclose 15.3% 65

Please choose your age range:

Response Percent Response Count
Under 18 0.5% 2
18 to 24 0.9% 4
25 to 34 8.1% 35
35 to 44 16.0% 69
45 to 54 21.5% 93
55 to 64 21.8% 94
65 and over 25.9% 112
Prefer not to answer 5.3% 23

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OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The Montgomery County Department of Parks has contracted with OpenGov to administer Open Town Hall.

1 - Not important
2 - Slightly important
3 - Fairly important
4 - Important
5 - Very important
DC Line to Dalecarlia Tunnel
Dalecarlia Tunnel to Massachusetts Ave
Massachusetts Ave to River Rd.
River Rd to Little Falls Pkwy
Little Falls Pkwy to Bethesda Ave
Choose at most 12 options
Choose at most 12 options

You can submit your ideas in written form above or through the CCT 2.0 Interactive Map. Please contact the Project Team if you have any trouble accessing the CCT 2.0 Interactive Map. 

Check out our guidelines for civility
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