How far do you live from Valleywood Neighborhood Park?
½ mile or less
How often do you visit the park?
What activity do you currently do the most at Valleywood Neighborhood Park? (Select one)
Use the Playground
How many people visit the park with you? (Select one)
What are your priorities for new amenities at Valleywood Neighborhood Park? Please rate the following amenities on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 = Not at all Important, 5 = Very Important).
Picnic Area - 3 - Important
Seating Area - 4 - Fairly Important
Covered Picnic Structure - 4 - Fairly Important
New Playground Equipment - 5 - Very Important
Adult Fitness Equipment - 1 - Not at all Important
How often do you use the playground? (Select one)
More than 3 times per week
What age range are the children you bring to the playground? (Select all that apply)
2 - 5
Select your top three priorities for playground equipment suitable for ages 2-5.
Spinning Activities
Simple Slides
Enclosed Swings
Select your top three priorities for playground equipment suitable for ages 5-12.
Track Rides
What colors would you prefer for the new play equipment at Valleywood? (Select one)
Cool Colors (for example: blues and greens)
Please list other playgrounds you’ve visited that you find interesting and engaging, as well as list specific play equipment or amenities you would like to see at Valleywood Neighborhood Park.
The Wheaton Regional Park is of course great with it's different sections of activities broken up mostly by age ranges. The towers encourage some creative play, the many animal bouncy rides are always fun to choose from, and the mountain provides a challenge. There are several parks along the Rock Creek Trail that we have visited and our 2-year old liked spinning equipment, swings, slides (particularly when there were multiple styles), and play trucks/cars. Equipment that plays music/notes is also usually a hit. We also recently went to the park by the Wheaton Library/Community Center and our daughter really enjoys that park - the music toys again and also the "bumpy" slide that has kind of rollers on it, and lots of the other kids seem to really enjoy that different slide too.
Please share any additional thoughts about Valleywood Neighborhood Park.
We love the trees and shade, especially in summer (though we frequent the park year-round!) and hope those will stay. It's nice to have green space within the park and wouldn't want it to seem too crowded just to add as many features as possible. I think some equipment for kids 2-12 plus a bench for caregivers in good view, and a small covered table would be ideal. Making the grade for the entrance less step will probably be nice for most, though I know I've seen some older kids on bikes there using it as a way to rapidly ride down out of the park over and over again - not the safest, but they may miss that. It's nice that there are now trash cans available, and I also hope those will stay. Thank you for all your work on this!
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
How far do you live from Valleywood Neighborhood Park?
How often do you visit the park?
What activity do you currently do the most at Valleywood Neighborhood Park? (Select one)
How many people visit the park with you? (Select one)
What are your priorities for new amenities at Valleywood Neighborhood Park? Please rate the following amenities on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 = Not at all Important, 5 = Very Important).
How often do you use the playground? (Select one)
What age range are the children you bring to the playground? (Select all that apply)
Select your top three priorities for playground equipment suitable for ages 2-5.
Select your top three priorities for playground equipment suitable for ages 5-12.
What colors would you prefer for the new play equipment at Valleywood? (Select one)
Please list other playgrounds you’ve visited that you find interesting and engaging, as well as list specific play equipment or amenities you would like to see at Valleywood Neighborhood Park.
The Wheaton Regional Park is of course great with it's different sections of activities broken up mostly by age ranges. The towers encourage some creative play, the many animal bouncy rides are always fun to choose from, and the mountain provides a challenge. There are several parks along the Rock Creek Trail that we have visited and our 2-year old liked spinning equipment, swings, slides (particularly when there were multiple styles), and play trucks/cars. Equipment that plays music/notes is also usually a hit. We also recently went to the park by the Wheaton Library/Community Center and our daughter really enjoys that park - the music toys again and also the "bumpy" slide that has kind of rollers on it, and lots of the other kids seem to really enjoy that different slide too.
Please share any additional thoughts about Valleywood Neighborhood Park.
We love the trees and shade, especially in summer (though we frequent the park year-round!) and hope those will stay. It's nice to have green space within the park and wouldn't want it to seem too crowded just to add as many features as possible. I think some equipment for kids 2-12 plus a bench for caregivers in good view, and a small covered table would be ideal. Making the grade for the entrance less step will probably be nice for most, though I know I've seen some older kids on bikes there using it as a way to rapidly ride down out of the park over and over again - not the safest, but they may miss that. It's nice that there are now trash cans available, and I also hope those will stay. Thank you for all your work on this!