Share your comments on the proposed trail extension.
On June 16, 2021, Montgomery Parks held a live virtual community meeting to present concept plans to extend Long Branch Trail from the current terminus at Long Branch Parkway to Carroll Avenue. You can view a recording of the meeting in English or Spanish.
If you have a question, comment, or suggestion related to the project that you would like to share, please click on the “Take the Survey” tab. Comments are being accepted until July 31, 2021. All comments will be reviewed by the project team. Any future project updates, as well as answers to frequently asked questions will be posted on the project page. *We recommend using Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Microsoft Edge. Open Town Hall does not support Internet Explorer Version 11 and below.
Project Background
The Long Branch Trail extension project would add approximately 800 linear feet of hard surface trail and accomplish several goals: create an accessible connection to Carrol Avenue, improve trail connectivity in the greater Long Branch area, and enhance pedestrian and cyclist safety. The project also includes replacement of the existing aging pedestrian bridge off Long Branch Parkway and relocation to an improved location for safety and trail connectivity. Environmental improvements are also incorporated in the plans, including a targeted area of stream restoration, restorative plantings, non-native/invasive plant removal, site drainage improvements, a stormwater best management practice facility, and floodplain/stream buffer habitat enhancements.
Long Branch Trail is an important countywide trail servicing the Long Branch corridor and has the potential to connect to the larger trails network. The trail currently ends at the dead-end of Long Branch Parkway. There is a people’s choice trail (unsanctioned trail) that parallels the Long Branch Stream Valley Park on the northeast side of the stream to Carroll Avenue. The existing unsanctioned trail shows significant use, has poor drainage, is fairly compacted, and has widened over time leading to loss of vegetation and localized erosion features.
Preliminary Concept Plan (Click map to enlarge)
The project is expected to move into the Detailed Design phase in Summer 2021 and will take a minimum of 1 year to finalize the design and obtain all relevant permits. Following completion of the design and identification of a funding source for construction, the project will then be bid out for construction.
This topic has 254 visitors and 31 responses: 16 registered responses and 15 unregistered responses.
That's 1.6 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.