Priorities for Housing and Urban Development Funding
Input on Priorities for Housing and Urban Development Funding
Mosaic Art Proposals for Willard Park Clubhouse Entry Wall
Share input on three mosaic art proposals for Willard Park Clubhouse.
Aquatic Park Public Art Proposals
Give input on sculpture and tile wall art proposals for Aquatic Park.
City Council, June 6, 2023: Bird Safe Building Requirements
Should the City Council adopt first reading of an ordinance adding Berkeley Municipal Code Section 23.304.150 establishing Bird Safe Building requirements for projects that require a building permit?
Customer Service Survey
Customer Service Survey: Give input on your experiences and needs for City of Berkeley services.
Berkeley City Council 12/15/20: Outdoor Dining and Commerce Permits
Should the City Council adopt a referral to the City Manager to develop a program and, if necessary, ordinance language to facilitate the transition of temporary outdoor dining and commerce permits that were obtained under the City’s declaration of emergency to permanent status?
Changes to Parking Requirements for Housing Development
Should the City of Berkeley change parking requirements for new housing projects to promote "green development" and produce more housing?
Innovative mental health services for those experiencing homelessness
Please provide input on new mental health services and supports for those experiencing homelessness
Baseline Zoning Ordinance
Please review and provide your feedback on the Baseline Zoning Ordinance.
Provide Input on City of Berkeley Mental Health Needs (2020)
What are the most important unmet mental health needs the City of Berkeley should consider when making funding decisions for the next three years?
Berkeley City Council 3/24/20: Upgrade to Renewable Electricity Plans
Should the City Council adopt a Resolution to 1) Opt up Berkeley’s municipal accounts to Renewable 100 electricity; 2) Upgrade current & new residential and commercial accounts to 100% GHG-free, with exceptions; and 3) Provide yearly review of the City’s municipal, residential, and commercial plans?
Berkeley City Council 3/10/20: Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinance
Should the City Council adopt the Ronald V. Dellums Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinance, direct the City Manager to take all necessary steps to implement the ordinance, and refer program costs to the June budget process?
Give Input on a New Name for Two Blocks of Shattuck Avenue
6 Names Have Been Selected as Finalist to Rename the Downtown Street
Berkeley City Council 1/28/20: Safe RV Parking in City-Owned Lots
Should the City Council adopt a resolution to allow recipients of a three-month “Grace Period” permit for safe RV parking to park overnight during non-business hours in designated City-owned parking lots pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 21107.8(a)(1)?
Berkeley City Council 1/21/20: Establishing an Outdoor Emergency Shelter
Should the City Council refer to the City Manager to establish an outdoor emergency shelter in Berkeley that would consider but not require various amenities; refer $615,000 in funding to be considered later; temporarily waive a BMC Section; select residents using protocols mirroring other shelters?
Berkeley City Council, 12/10/19: 2019 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Should the City Council 1) adopt a Resolution adopting the 2019 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP); and 2) adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan to incorporate the LHMP?
Berkeley City Council: Healthy Checkout Ordinance
Should the City Council, 1) adopt an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas; and 2) refer to the City Manager to determine sources of funding and staffing needs to implement, enforce, and support the ordinance?
Berkeley City Council, 10/29/19: Traffic Enforcement and Bicycle Safety
Should the City Council consider deprioritizing enforcement of the Idaho Stop and Dead Red conventions for cyclists; develop a ticket diversion program to educate bicyclists as an alternative to monetary fines; and develop a plan to calm and divert motor vehicle traffic on bicycle boulevards.
Berkeley City Council, 9/24/19: Bicycle Lane & Pedestrian Improvements