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Priorities for Housing and Urban Development Funding

Input on Priorities for Housing and Urban Development Funding

Mosaic Art Proposals for Willard Park Clubhouse Entry Wall

Share input on three mosaic art proposals for Willard Park Clubhouse.

Aquatic Park Public Art Proposals

Give input on sculpture and tile wall art proposals for Aquatic Park.

Customer Service Survey

Customer Service Survey: Give input on your experiences and needs for City of Berkeley services.

Changes to Parking Requirements for Housing Development

Should the City of Berkeley change parking requirements for new housing projects to promote "green development" and produce more housing?

Innovative mental health services for those experiencing homelessness

Please provide input on new mental health services and supports for those experiencing homelessness

Baseline Zoning Ordinance

Please review and provide your feedback on the Baseline Zoning Ordinance.

Provide Input on City of Berkeley Mental Health Needs (2020)

What are the most important unmet mental health needs the City of Berkeley should consider when making funding decisions for the next three years?

Give Input on a New Name for Two Blocks of Shattuck Avenue

6 Names Have Been Selected as Finalist to Rename the Downtown Street

Berkeley City Council, 12/10/19: 2019 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Should the City Council 1) adopt a Resolution adopting the 2019 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP); and 2) adopt a Resolution amending the General Plan to incorporate the LHMP?

Berkeley City Council, 9/24/19: Bicycle Lane & Pedestrian Improvements

Should the City Council refer to the City Manager to develop a comprehensive ordinance governing a Bicycle Lane and Pedestrian Street Improvements Policy?