What preferences should Berkeley use to prioritize access to new affordable housing? How can the City develop this policy in a way that includes the opinions of those impacted by displacement pressures?
The City of Berkeley is developing an affordable housing preference policy to ensure people and families with ties to Berkeley will receive priority for new local affordable housing units. The City wants your help to shape an inclusive policy that reflects our community’s values.
What does an affordable housing preference policy do?
This policy would establish certain priorities or “preferences,” such as living or working in Berkeley, for local affordable housing created through the Below Market-Rate (BMR) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF) programs. Once a policy is adopted by the City Council, anyone who applies and meets the criteria for these preferences would receive priority in accessing new affordable housing units in Berkeley.* Cities may use more than one preference and these preferences create a ranking system for applicants.
Who is an affordable housing preference policy for?
This policy is intended to serve as a displacement intervention. In particular, African-Americans have been disproportionately impacted by displacement in Berkeley. A preference policy can prioritize new housing for local community members and families who need access to stable, affordable housing. It can also be an opportunity to assist displaced community members to return to Berkeley.
Your input can help shape this policy.
What preferences should Berkeley use to prioritize access to new affordable housing? How can the City develop this policy in a way that includes the opinions of those impacted by displacement pressures?
These are some of the questions that this survey will help us answer. The survey should take 5-10 minutes. After you complete it, please also forward it to your friends, family, and neighbors. The more input the City receives from community members, the better.
Your email address will not be shared with anyone, as per the privacy agreement of the vendor, Open Gov. Those who do not register can still provide input that will be seen by City staff. The survey closes on January 22, 2021.
*To learn more about the City’s affordable housing initiatives, please visit https://www.cityofberkeley.info/affordable/.
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