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Berkeley Considers

Please provide input on new mental health services and supports for those experiencing homelessness

101 registered responses

What do you see as the biggest mental health needs of individuals experiencing homelessness?


What would make the biggest difference in positively improving the mental health of individuals experiencing homelessness?


Which barriers do you view as most substantial when it comes to preventing access to mental health services for individuals experiencing homelessness?


What, if any, are unique entry points or opportunities you are aware of that can be leveraged to deliver or expand mental health services to Berkeley community members who are experiencing homelessness?


What have you seen work in terms of connecting individuals experiencing homelessness to mental healthcare services?


What unique resources, assets, or partnerships can Berkeley tap into for this mental health innovation funding opportunity?

Name not available outside Adeline Corridor
November 1, 2020, 11:03 AM
  • What do you see as the biggest mental health needs of individuals experiencing homelessness?

    Being properly treated by medical staff."Compassionate" handouts do nothing.

  • What would make the biggest difference in positively improving the mental health of individuals experiencing homelessness?

    Being hospitalized and treated in a proper structure.

  • Which barriers do you view as most substantial when it comes to preventing access to mental health services for individuals experiencing homelessness?

    They have no financial resources. Most mental health care is provided on an outpatient basis.

  • What, if any, are unique entry points or opportunities you are aware of that can be leveraged to deliver or expand mental health services to Berkeley community members who are experiencing homelessness?

    There are no special opportunities in Berkeley, which is a smaller city than Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose.

  • What have you seen work in terms of connecting individuals experiencing homelessness to mental healthcare services?

    Forced commitment, when warranted.

  • What unique resources, assets, or partnerships can Berkeley tap into for this mental health innovation funding opportunity?

    Nothing more than what we are already doing. Berkeley does not have to become an attraction point for this kind of individuals. The problem has to be taken on at the State level and there is no reason whatsoever for these people having to be treated in areas where real estate and cost of living are at their highest.

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