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What are the most important unmet mental health needs the City of Berkeley should consider when making funding decisions for the next three years?

17 registered responses

What are the most pressing unmet mental health needs in the City of Berkeley?


What are your ideas on the best ways to address these needs?


Is there anything else you would like to share regarding mental health services and needs in the City of Berkeley?

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May 5, 2020, 5:29 PM
  • What are the most pressing unmet mental health needs in the City of Berkeley?

    How homelessness perpetuates and causes mental health disorders

  • What are your ideas on the best ways to address these needs?

    Provide supportive housing with on-site services and skilled multidisciplinary treatment teams that is accessible to couples, families, and people with pets

  • Is there anything else you would like to share regarding mental health services and needs in the City of Berkeley?

    People cannot achieve mental health, safety and stability while homeless.

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