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What are the most important unmet mental health needs the City of Berkeley should consider when making funding decisions for the next three years?

17 registered responses

What are the most pressing unmet mental health needs in the City of Berkeley?


What are your ideas on the best ways to address these needs?


Is there anything else you would like to share regarding mental health services and needs in the City of Berkeley?

Name not shown inside District 8
May 5, 2020, 10:56 AM
  • What are the most pressing unmet mental health needs in the City of Berkeley?

    I have no idea. This is a huge question. You are trying to cover so much territory. Clearly, the most visible manifestation of our unmet needs is the existence of a large street-living population. And - teachers will tell you about the difficulty of teaching kids with trauma. And, and, and...

  • What are your ideas on the best ways to address these needs?

    I am just chiming in to support mid-range larger-scale interventions. As a psychologist, I feel that our system (myself included) prioritizes expensive, individualized services. Interventions like drug courts and drug diversion programs get less attention and money. The same happens in schools. I am hopeful that putting in place larger-scale supports to help people who are marginally employed, who have marginal healthcare, who are raising children, etc. will pay off in a reduction of the more visible problems.

  • Is there anything else you would like to share regarding mental health services and needs in the City of Berkeley?

    Nope. Just that I'm glad you are doing this good work. Thank you!

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