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Berkeley Considers

Should the City Council adopt the Ronald V. Dellums Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinance, direct the City Manager to take all necessary steps to implement the ordinance, and refer program costs to the June budget process?

147 registered responses

Should the Council approve this agenda item?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 74.0% 108
No 21.9% 32
Other/see comments 4.1% 6

Is there anything you would like the Council to consider regarding this agenda item?

Leah Gonzales outside Adeline Corridor
March 9, 2020, 3:57 AM
  • Should the Council approve this agenda item?
    • Other/see comments
  • Is there anything you would like the Council to consider regarding this agenda item?
    The mayor, council and manager, need to stop creating more ordinances or laws; knowing they arent doing what's right for all the other "ordinances " theyve created and then buried. You already passed another housing rights ordinance, source of discrimination, that you are refusing to enforce. You claim you need more money to fill a position that would be needed to enforce it. You already filled that position. The job was taken by Dee Williams-Ridley. If you wont enforce that law, for a homeless mother and child; why are you so adamant about making this law? Will you ignore it too? Or will those complaints get fast tracked for resolution?
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