At its March 10, 2020 meeting the City Council will decide whether to 1. Adopt a first reading of the Ronald V. Dellums Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinance and; 2. Direct the City Manager to take all necessary steps to implement this chapter including but not limited to developing administrative regulations in consultation with all relevant City Departments including the Rent Stabilization Board, preparing an annual implementation budget, designating hearing officers and other necessary staffing for administrative complaint, exploring the development of a compliance testing program similar to that used by the Seattle Office of Civil Rights, developing timelines and procedures for complaints, conducting outreach and education in partnership with the Alameda County Fair Chance Housing Coalition, and referring program costs to the June budget process.
To read the full Council item, see Item 24 on the March 10, 2020 agenda page.
The Council, whose Agenda and Rules Committee selected this topic, would like to hear from you. How would you like them to decide, and what would you like them to consider?