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Berkeley Considers

Should the City Council refer to the City Manager to include specific priorities for investment in Berkeley’s Opportunity Zones for proactive outreach and marketing to investors or Opportunity Funds, and to guide any discussions or negotiations regarding development projects in Opportunity Zones?

52 registered responses

Should the Council approve this agenda item?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 53.8% 28
No 23.1% 12
Other/see comments 23.1% 12

Is there anything you would like the Council to consider regarding this item?

Name not shown inside District 4
July 15, 2019, 11:42 AM
  • Should the Council approve this agenda item?
    • Yes
  • Is there anything you would like the Council to consider regarding this item?
    City should emphasize housing production broadly, not just affordable housing. Economic development should emphasize community livability and access to opportunity.
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