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Berkeley Considers

Should the City Council adopt a Resolution establishing policies that ensure investments and service contracts are with socially responsible entities?

47 registered responses

Should the Council approve this agenda item?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 91.5% 43
No 4.3% 2
Other/see comments 4.3% 2

Is there anything you would like the Council to consider regarding this agenda item?

Paula Horowitz inside District 5
May 27, 2017, 10:40 PM
  • Should the Council approve this agenda item?
    • Yes
  • Is there anything you would like the Council to consider regarding this agenda item?

    We need to be responsible and humane with our city's investment policies. Money talks. Let's say no to DAPL and privatized prisons and criminal banking practices. Let's divest from Wells Fargo as soon as possible.

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