At its May 30, 2016 meeting, the City Council will consider whether to adopt a Resolution establishing policies that ensure investments and service contracts are with socially responsible entities? The item further provies that the City Council and the Mayor’s Responsible Banking Task Force will work with the City Manager to develop a comprehensive list of criteria defining socially responsible banking, which will be included in a banking services RFP, to be published by December 2017. The City of Berkeley will extend the current banking services contract with Wells Fargo Bank only through May 2018 and the City Manager will return to Council with semi-annual progress reports on establishing new banking services contracts from institutions that reflect responsible banking policies.
To read the full agenda item, see Item 24 on the May 30, 2017 agenda page -
The City Council, whose Agenda Committee selected this topic, would like to hear from you.
How would you like them to decide, and what would you like them to consider?