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Give input on sculpture and tile wall art proposals for Aquatic Park.

317 Registered Responses



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307 responses
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317 registered responses

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork would be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 27.8% 80
Agree 27.1% 78
Neither agree nor disagree 17.4% 50
Disagree 18.8% 54
Strongly disagree 9.0% 26

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 31.1% 90
Agree 26.6% 77
Neither agree nor disagree 14.9% 43
Disagree 13.5% 39
Strongly disagree 13.8% 40

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork would be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 6.9% 20
Agree 24.1% 70
Neither agree nor disagree 18.9% 55
Disagree 28.9% 84
Strongly disagree 21.3% 62

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 6.1% 18
Agree 11.5% 34
Neither agree nor disagree 18.6% 55
Disagree 31.5% 93
Strongly disagree 32.2% 95

Share any additional comments.


Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 15.0% 44
Agree 18.0% 53
Neither agree nor disagree 21.4% 63
Disagree 23.5% 69
Strongly disagree 22.1% 65

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork would be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 22.3% 67
Agree 33.3% 100
Neither agree nor disagree 19.7% 59
Disagree 17.0% 51
Strongly disagree 7.7% 23

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 20.7% 62
Agree 28.3% 85
Neither agree nor disagree 20.3% 61
Disagree 19.7% 59
Strongly disagree 11.0% 33

Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 46.2% 138
Agree 36.8% 110
Neither agree nor disagree 9.7% 29
Disagree 5.7% 17
Strongly disagree 1.7% 5
Name not available outside Adeline Corridor
August 4, 2023, 11:37 AM
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork would be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.
    • Strongly agree
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.
    • Strongly agree
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork would be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.
    No response.
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.
    No response.
  • Share any additional comments.
    No response.
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.
    No response.
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork would be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.
    • Strongly agree
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.
    • Strongly agree
  • Do you agree with the following statement? This proposed artwork enhances the Aquatic Park environment.
    No response.
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First up are the four sculpture proposals for the park areas surrounding the lagoon. 

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