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Sammamish Accessibility Survey

Please help us identify City buildings, parks, sidewalks and other areas that need accessibility improvements.

Police Services Study

What are your priorities for police services in Sammamish?

Urban Forest Management Plan Community Survey

Assist the City in developing our Urban Forest Management Plan

Stormwater Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Prioritization

How should the City prioritize stormwater CIP projects?

Housing Strategy Survey

What would you like to see for the future of housing in Sammamish?

Health and Human Services in Sammamish

We need your help in understanding more about Sammamish’s Health and Human Services needs.

Future of Parks

It’s time to talk about the future of parks. Tell us what’s important to you.

Adjusting City Finances

To maintain the city’s excellent financial health, we have choices to make.

Business & Shopping in Sammamish

What is your opinion on the local economy? What types of retail and service opportunities do you want to see in Sammamish?

Land Acquisition Strategy & Implementation Policy

What do you think about Sammamish's proposed plan and strategies for acquiring new lands?

Bus Service in Sammamish

Where should we focus improvements to bus service in Sammamish?

Growth in Sammamish

How is new development in Sammamish affecting your life?

City Communications

City Communications: How are we doing? How can we do better?