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Please help us identify City buildings, parks, sidewalks and other areas that need accessibility improvements.

30 Registered Responses



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30 registered responses

First, please tell us about yourself (Choose all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I live in Sammamish 96.7% 29
I work in Sammamish 10.0% 3

If you do not live or work in Sammamish, please describe your primary reason for visiting (e.g. recreation, visiting family, schools, medical appointments, etc.)

No responses yet.

Do you have a disability or support a person with a disability?

Response Percent Response Count
I have a disability that impacts how I travel 17.2% 5
I support a person with a disability 13.8% 4
None of the above 72.4% 21

What is your home zip code?


Have you ever been unable to access information, obtain services, or participate in meetings or events in the city of Sammamish?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 13.3% 4
No 86.7% 26

What was the reason you could not participate? (Choose all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Assistive listening devices not provided 25.0% 1
Other (see next question) 75.0% 3

If not listed above, please describe how you were unable to participate, access information or obtain services in the city of Sammamish.


Please rate the accessibility of PUBLIC BUILDINGS in Sammamish, such as City Hall and Beaver Lake Lodge. (Please note that schools and the library are operated by other agencies and are not included in this plan.)

Response Percent Response Count
Good 66.7% 20
Average 26.7% 8
Poor 3.3% 1
Don't know 3.3% 1

Please tell us about any PUBLIC BUILDINGS where you have accessibility concerns. (Concerns could include doors and entry ways, water fountains, elevators, restrooms etc.)


Please rate the accessibility of PUBLIC PARKS in Sammamish. (Examples: Pine Lake Park, Sammamish Landing)

Response Percent Response Count
Good 60.0% 18
Average 30.0% 9
Below Average 10.0% 3

Please tell us about any PUBLIC PARKS where you have accessibility concerns. (Concerns can include types of facilities, pathways, water fountains, access to restrooms, parking, etc.)


Please rate the accessibility of public SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS in Sammamish.

Response Percent Response Count
Good 33.3% 10
Average 26.7% 8
Below Average 20.0% 6
Poor 20.0% 6

Please tell us about any SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS where you have accessibility concerns. (Concerns can include lack of safe crosswalks, curb ramps at intersections, lack of push buttons for crosswalks, height of buttons, lack of sidewalks etc.)


Finally, as the City considers what to fix first, where should we focus our resources?

Average priorities over 30 responses
  1. .

    Sidewalks and Walkways Near Schools
  2. 228th Ave SE, Issaquah Pine Lake Rd SE, NE Inglewood Hill RD, East Lake Sammamish Parkway, 244th Ave NE, Issaquah Beaver Lake Rd

    Sidewalks and Walkways Along Arterial Streets
  3. .

    Sidewalks and Walkways Within Residential Neighborhoods
  4. .

    Sidewalks and Walkways Near Bus Stops and Sammamish Park & Ride
  5. Examples: Klahanie Shopping Center, Sammamish Highlands Shopping Center

    Sidewalks and Walkways Near Commercial Areas
  6. Examples: City Hall, Beaver Lake Lodge, etc. (NOT including schools and libraries) 

    Public Buildings
  7. Examples: Beaver Lake Park, Pine Lake Park, Sammamish Commons, Sammamish Landing

    City Parks
Name not shown inside Sammamish Boundary
November 7, 2018, 2:35 PM
  • First, please tell us about yourself (Choose all that apply)
    • I live in Sammamish
  • If you do not live or work in Sammamish, please describe your primary reason for visiting (e.g. recreation, visiting family, schools, medical appointments, etc.)
    No response.
  • Do you have a disability or support a person with a disability?
    • None of the above
  • What is your home zip code?
  • Have you ever been unable to access information, obtain services, or participate in meetings or events in the city of Sammamish?
    • Yes
  • What was the reason you could not participate? (Choose all that apply)
    • Other (see next question)
  • If not listed above, please describe how you were unable to participate, access information or obtain services in the city of Sammamish.
    I didn't have childcare.
  • Please rate the accessibility of PUBLIC BUILDINGS in Sammamish, such as City Hall and Beaver Lake Lodge. (Please note that schools and the library are operated by other agencies and are not included in this plan.)
    • Good
  • Please tell us about any PUBLIC BUILDINGS where you have accessibility concerns. (Concerns could include doors and entry ways, water fountains, elevators, restrooms etc.)
    No response.
  • Please rate the accessibility of PUBLIC PARKS in Sammamish. (Examples: Pine Lake Park, Sammamish Landing)
    • Good
  • Please tell us about any PUBLIC PARKS where you have accessibility concerns. (Concerns can include types of facilities, pathways, water fountains, access to restrooms, parking, etc.)
    There is too much accessibility to the playground at Beaver Lake Park. I am so surprised that a child hasn't run into the parking lot and been hit. It is a very busy parking lot during sports events and practices and often children are playing on the playground with minimal supervision (because parents are watching the sporting game). I think you could easily add a fence around the play area.
  • Please rate the accessibility of public SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS in Sammamish.
    • Poor
  • Please tell us about any SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS where you have accessibility concerns. (Concerns can include lack of safe crosswalks, curb ramps at intersections, lack of push buttons for crosswalks, height of buttons, lack of sidewalks etc.)
    There needs to be a way for pedestrians to safely get to the trail system along East Lake Sammamish Parkway from 212th and Louis Thompson. There needs to be a continuous sidewalk or trail along 212th so that children can walk from their bus stops to their neighborhoods and so children can walk to school. Currently there is no continuous sidewalk from south on 212th from the Pine Lake Community Center. There also needs to be a sidewalk or trail from Sunny Hills Elementary south on Issaquah Pine Lake Road. All the main arteries of the city should have trails or sidewalks to encourage walking and safety.
  • Finally, as the City considers what to fix first, where should we focus our resources?
    1. 228th Ave SE, Issaquah Pine Lake Rd SE, NE Inglewood Hill RD, East Lake Sammamish Parkway, 244th Ave NE, Issaquah Beaver Lake Rd

      Sidewalks and Walkways Along Arterial Streets
    2. .

      Sidewalks and Walkways Near Schools
    3. Examples: Klahanie Shopping Center, Sammamish Highlands Shopping Center

      Sidewalks and Walkways Near Commercial Areas
    4. Examples: Beaver Lake Park, Pine Lake Park, Sammamish Commons, Sammamish Landing

      City Parks
    5. Examples: City Hall, Beaver Lake Lodge, etc. (NOT including schools and libraries) 

      Public Buildings
    6. .

      Sidewalks and Walkways Near Bus Stops and Sammamish Park & Ride
    7. .

      Sidewalks and Walkways Within Residential Neighborhoods
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