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How should the City prioritize stormwater CIP projects?

9 Registered Responses



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9 registered responses from users within the age group of 70-79

Within Sammamish, I am a: (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Resident 88.9% 8
Property Owner 77.8% 7

How long have you lived or owned property in Sammamish (if applicable)?


In consideration of City surface water management functions, please rank the following in order of your personal priorities (from highest to lowest, with 1=not important, 5=very important)?

Stormwater Facilities: Fix damaged facilities and build new infrastructure to accommodate growth.
Response Percent Response Count
3 33.3% 3
4 22.2% 2
5 44.4% 4
Environment: Improve water quality and habitat in lakes, streams, and wetlands, for fish and recreational use.
Response Percent Response Count
2 11.1% 1
3 11.1% 1
4 44.4% 4
5 33.3% 3
Roadways: Fix/improve drainage issues on major roads in Sammamish.
Response Percent Response Count
1 11.1% 1
2 11.1% 1
3 33.3% 3
4 11.1% 1
5 33.3% 3
Neighborhoods: Fix/improve local drainage issues in neighborhoods.
Response Percent Response Count
2 22.2% 2
3 11.1% 1
4 55.6% 5
5 11.1% 1

Cost: I would be willing to pay a higher stormwater utility rate to see more stormwater projects implemented quickly.

Response Percent Response Count
Agree 66.7% 6
Disagree 33.3% 3

Public vs Private Property: Public stormwater funds (collected from citizen’s stormwater utility fee) should be spent on privately-owned property to resolve private drainage issues resulting from growth? (*Note: growth pays for growth, but growth doesn’t pay to resolve existing conditions.)

Response Percent Response Count
Agree 62.5% 5
Disagree 37.5% 3

Please select the FOUR MOST important criteria for determining which surface water projects get constructed:

Response Percent Response Count
Safety: The project reduces a safety risk by decreasing/eliminating the safety impact or frequency of the drainage issue. 44.4% 4
Multiple surface water benefits: The project protects or improves natural resources at or near site, such as water quality, fish habitat, stream/lake/wetland characteristics. 44.4% 4
Community benefit: The project ranking method should give more weight to projects that benefit many people, as opposed to projects that may only benefit a few. 44.4% 4
Community interest: The majority of the community or neighborhood should support the proposed project. 11.1% 1
Time-sensitive opportunity: The project should be prioritized if there are opportunities to coordinate with another project’s implementation, or take advantage of a unique opportunity Ex: one-time funding, leveraging another project timeline or funding 88.9% 8
Meets other City priorities: The project provides other benefits, such as recreation, education, open space, riparian habitat, community livability, wildlife habitat. 22.2% 2
Plan consistency: The project should be ranked highly if it is already identified in an adopted Basin Plan (such as the Zackuse Creek Basin Plan). 33.3% 3
Improves a facility maintenance issue: The project provides a long-term, cost-savings solution to on-going maintenance problem. 33.3% 3
Maintains existing stormwater infrastructure: The project improves, corrects a defect, or removes a threat to existing stormwater infrastructure. 33.3% 3
Accommodates growth: The project expands the effectiveness of City facilities to meet projected impacts of growth and development. 44.4% 4

Please select the FOUR LEAST important criteria for determining which surface water projects get constructed (list of criteria is same as above):

Response Percent Response Count
Safety: The project reduces a safety risk by decreasing/eliminating the safety impact or frequency of the drainage issue. 22.2% 2
Multiple surface water benefits: The project protects or improves natural resources at or near site, such as water quality, fish habitat, stream/lake/wetland characteristics. 22.2% 2
Community benefit: The project ranking method should give more weight to projects that benefit many people, as opposed to projects that may only benefit a few. 44.4% 4
Community interest: The majority of the community or neighborhood should support the proposed project. 77.8% 7
Time-sensitive opportunity: The project should be prioritized if there are opportunities to coordinate with another project’s implementation, or take advantage of a unique opportunity. Ex: one-time funding, leveraging another project's timeline/funding. 11.1% 1
Meets other City priorities: The project provides other benefits, such as recreation, education, open space, riparian habitat, community livability, wildlife habitat. 55.6% 5
Plan consistency: The project should be ranked highly if it is already identified in an adopted Basin Plan (Such as the Zackuse Creek Basin Plan 55.6% 5
Improves a facility maintenance issue: The project provides a long-term, cost-savings solution to on-going maintenance problem 55.6% 5
Maintains existing stormwater infrastructure: The project improves, corrects a defect, or removes a threat to existing stormwater infrastructure. 22.2% 2
Accommodates growth: The project expands the effectiveness of City facilities to meet projected impacts of growth and development. 33.3% 3

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Stormwater Facilities: Fix damaged facilities and build new infrastructure to accommodate growth.
Environment: Improve water quality and habitat in lakes, streams, and wetlands, for fish and recreational use.
Roadways: Fix/improve drainage issues on major roads in Sammamish.
Neighborhoods: Fix/improve local drainage issues in neighborhoods.

For the following two prioritization criteria, please indicate whether or not you agree with the statement:

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