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Open Town Hall

Help guide the development of parks and recreation in Mission Valley. Tell us what you think about options for trails, open spaces, recreation facilities and green connections.

Thank you for participating!

Thank you to everyone that participated on this Parks and Recreation topic!

This topic was visited by 250 people and we heard from 124 people; 72 on the registered channel and an additional 52 on the unregistered channel.

You can see some summary information about the total feedback from both channels in the images below.

As for where the Mission Valley Community Plan update process stands as a whole, we are currently in the process of integrating the feedback from all of our surveys, interviews, and community engagement into evaluation criteria. This criteria will list key points and objectives resulting from the complete feedback that we will use to compare each potential future land use alternative to in order to determine which alternative meets the most of the community’s demands. This criteria will also be used to consider potential connectivity options in Mission Valley. As the update process progresses, this information will be used to establish the framework for the final community plan document.

For more information about the Community Plan Update and to stay up to date about the process, visit the Mission Valley Community Plan Update website. If you have any questions about the online activity or about the Mission Valley Community Plan Update, contact Nancy Graham, Senior Planner for the City of San Diego, at [email protected] or (619) 236-6891.

Residents were then asked, where they thought additional park opportunities could locate. Several residents mentioned along the San Diego River possibly near Ikea or the West end of Mission Valley, at the Riverwalk Golf Course, in new residential developments, and at the sites of existing malls and big box stores. Some additional suggestions included incorporating parks wherever a Main Street is identified, on rooftops of new commercial buildings, on existing expanses of pavement, and at the Mission San Diego de Alcala.