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Open City Hall

The Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions.

126 registered responses

Which county do you live in?

Response Percent Response Count
Buncombe 95.2% 120
Henderson 0.8% 1
Transylvania 1.6% 2
Other (please specify) 2.4% 3

If you selected Other, which county do you live in?


What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 3.2% 4
25-34 19.8% 25
35-44 23.8% 30
45-54 14.3% 18
55-64 19.8% 25
65+ 19.0% 24

What is your race?

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.8% 1
Black/African American 7.9% 10
Hispanic/Latino 0.8% 1
Multiracial 1.6% 2
White 88.1% 111
Other 0.8% 1

What is your gender identity?

Response Percent Response Count
Male 27.8% 35
Female 70.6% 89
Non-binary 1.6% 2

What is your total household income?

Response Percent Response Count
Less than $15,000 17.7% 22
$35,000 to $49,999 38.7% 48
$50,000 to $74,999 16.1% 20
$75,000 to $99,999 9.7% 12
$100,000 to $149,999 12.1% 15
$150,000 or More 5.6% 7

What is your housing situation?

Response Percent Response Count
Homeless 0.8% 1
Own my home or condo 58.7% 74
Rent a house or apartment 30.2% 38
Receive housing assistance 1.6% 2
Stay with family/friends 4.0% 5
Other 4.8% 6

How much of your total household income do you spend on your housing costs per month (mortgage plus insurance and taxes or rent plus utilities)?


Have you had any of the following issues with buying or renting property in the 4-county area?

Response Percent Response Count
Could not get a loan 6.0% 5
Could not afford down payment or deposit 15.7% 13
Could not find suitable and affordable option 49.4% 41
Past criminal record 1.2% 1
Poor credit rating 6.0% 5
Other 21.7% 18

Please tell us more about any issues you have experienced buying or renting.


Do you have any of the following problems with your current residence (check all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Crime 14.3% 18
Inconvenient location 11.9% 15
Needs substantial repairs (i.e. plumbing, roof, electrical) 23.8% 30
Nuisances (i.e. noise, traffic, neighborhood conditions) 20.6% 26
Rent/mortgage too expensive 23.8% 30
Size (either too small or too large) 22.2% 28
Other 40.5% 51

Please tell us more about the problems with your current residence.


What other concerns or suggestions do you have about housing?

Name not available inside City Boundary
December 18, 2019, 1:50 PM
  • Which county do you live in?
    • Buncombe
  • If you selected Other, which county do you live in?
    No response.
  • What is your age?
    • 35-44
  • What is your race?
    • White
  • What is your gender identity?
    • Female
  • What is your total household income?
    • $75,000 to $99,999
  • What is your housing situation?
    • Rent a house or apartment
  • How much of your total household income do you spend on your housing costs per month (mortgage plus insurance and taxes or rent plus utilities)?
  • Have you had any of the following issues with buying or renting property in the 4-county area?
    • Other - The rental market was so tight that unless I could show up to look at a property within hours, it was gone.
  • Please tell us more about any issues you have experienced buying or renting.
    No response.
  • Do you have any of the following problems with your current residence (check all that apply)?
    • Rent/mortgage too expensive
  • Please tell us more about the problems with your current residence.
    Even though we are fortunate to have landlords who have not raised the rent in three years, the amount of rent we are paying for a modest two bedroom home in Asheville is out of reach for most individuals who work locally in Buncombe County.
  • What other concerns or suggestions do you have about housing?
    Almost everyone I know who owns a home has created an AirBnB short term dwelling unit and is charging exorbitant prices to wealthy out of towners to stay at their home for a week or less. I see rentals going for $1100 for a one bedroom apartment with first, last, and deposit requested. Wages for teachers, nonprofit workers, service industry staff, and other hardworking professionals in this area are not in alignment with rent like this. I'm concerned we are becoming a BYOJ (Bring Your Own Job) community of telecommuters/tech folks who can afford high rents, while forcing hard-working, caring residents out. Something has to change.
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