Are you aware that the real-time availability of parking spaces in the City’s garages is embedded in the Asheville App? (Free app, available for iPhone and Android)
Have you used the Asheville App to help you find parking?
If you were previously unaware of the “find parking” feature in the Asheville App will you now be likely to use it?
Have you parked in a City garage for an event recently?
How do you feel about the special event rates?
Please rate your overall parking experience:
Above average
If you wish, please share ideas on how can we improve your City of Asheville parking garage experience.
Seems like event parking should be limited to the library and Rankin decks.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Did you find your entry quick and stress free?
Were you able to find a parking space quickly?
Are you aware that the real-time availability of parking spaces in the City’s garages is embedded in the Asheville App? (Free app, available for iPhone and Android)
Have you used the Asheville App to help you find parking?
If you were previously unaware of the “find parking” feature in the Asheville App will you now be likely to use it?
Have you parked in a City garage for an event recently?
How do you feel about the special event rates?
Please rate your overall parking experience:
If you wish, please share ideas on how can we improve your City of Asheville parking garage experience.
Seems like event parking should be limited to the library and Rankin decks.