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Please share your input on City Council’s consideration of naming Asheville Police headquarters after a recently passed away Lieutenant.

106 registered responses

Asheville City Council and City of Asheville Staff encourage the community to share feedback on the consideration to name police headquarters in memory of former Asheville Police Lieutenant Walter Robertson. Please feel free to share memories, stories, or thoughts below.

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June 3, 2019, 10:17 AM
  • Asheville City Council and City of Asheville Staff encourage the community to share feedback on the consideration to name police headquarters in memory of former Asheville Police Lieutenant Walter Robertson. Please feel free to share memories, stories, or thoughts below.
    No the Asheville Police Headquarters should not be named after former Lt. Walter Robertson. There are many accounts of Robertson's frequent use of excessive force while still employed with APD. The city also settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with Robertson. Robertson also frequently interfered in ongoing criminal investigations that involved his violent family members. The values Robertson had are not the ones current Officer's should strive for and therefore the building should not be named after him.
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