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Help the City shape the zoning standards for Urban Centers

232 registered responses

Select the top three elements that future Urban Centers should prioritize:

Response Percent Response Count
Trees/Landscaping 42.2% 87
Walkability 60.2% 124
Housing 45.6% 94
Design Elements 14.1% 29
Bikeability 15.5% 32
Parks/Open Space 34.0% 70
Shopping 13.6% 28
Parking 9.2% 19
Transit (Bus) 13.6% 28
Auto (Car) 1.9% 4
Art 5.3% 11
Safety 9.2% 19

Select the top three images that best reflect your vision of Asheville’s future Urban Centers?

Response Percent Response Count
Alternative A 33.2% 74
Alternative B 16.1% 36
Alternative C 39.9% 89
Alternative D 3.6% 8
Alternative E 16.1% 36
Alternative F 65.5% 146
Alternative G 22.4% 50
Alternative H 35.9% 80
Alternative I 18.4% 41

How would you rate the importance of allowing gas stations in an Urban Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Not important 64.2% 149
Neutral 19.4% 45
Somewhat important 13.4% 31
Very important 3.0% 7

How would you rate the importance of allowing drive thrus in an Urban Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Not important 71.1% 165
Neutral 13.8% 32
Somewhat important 9.9% 23
Very important 5.2% 12

How would you rate the importance of allowing Single-story buildings in an Urban Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Not important 47.8% 111
Neutral 22.8% 53
Somewhat important 15.1% 35
Very important 14.2% 33

If you have more to say on Urban Centers, provide your comments here.

Name not available outside City Boundary
May 25, 2019, 11:34 PM
  • Select the top three elements that future Urban Centers should prioritize:
    • Design Elements
  • Select the top three images that best reflect your vision of Asheville’s future Urban Centers?
    • Alternative C
  • How would you rate the importance of allowing gas stations in an Urban Center?
    • Not important
  • How would you rate the importance of allowing drive thrus in an Urban Center?
    • Not important
  • How would you rate the importance of allowing Single-story buildings in an Urban Center?
    • Neutral
  • If you have more to say on Urban Centers, provide your comments here.
    No response.
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