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Share your feedback on proposals for a Visiting Artist Project centered on African American arts and culture

115 registered responses

Do you live in Asheville? (You can still take the survey if you don’t)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 84.2% 96
No 15.8% 18

If you live in Asheville, what is your home zip code?

Response Percent Response Count
28801 26.3% 26
28803 23.2% 23
28804 16.2% 16
28805 10.1% 10
28806 22.2% 22
28715 2.0% 2

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
16-22 years old 0.9% 1
23-38 years old 17.5% 20
39-54 years old 32.5% 37
55-74 years old 45.6% 52
75 years or older 3.5% 4

Based on your review, rank the project proposals with 1 being your favorite and 3 the least favorite.

Average priorities over 115 responses

  1. Art Ecologie

  2. The Color Dreamers

  3. Jefferson Pinder

After reviewing the proposals please provide us with your feedback on Jefferson Pinder.


After reviewing the proposals please provide us with your feedback on Art Ecologie.


After reviewing the proposals please provide us with your feedback on The Color Dreamers.

Name not shown inside City Boundary
September 21, 2018, 7:58 AM
  • Do you live in Asheville? (You can still take the survey if you don’t)
    • Yes
  • If you live in Asheville, what is your home zip code?
    • 28801
  • What is your age?
    • 55-74 years old
  • Based on your review, rank the project proposals with 1 being your favorite and 3 the least favorite.

    1. The Color Dreamers

    2. Jefferson Pinder

    3. Art Ecologie
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Review and rank the project proposals:

Click on each title below to review each proposal.

•    Jefferson Pinder
•    Art Ecologie
•    The Color Dreamers


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