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Share your ideas for a bike share program in Asheville

229 registered responses

Tell us whether you support, are neutral about, or do not support the following goals.

Improve access to public transpoprtation options, especially for underserved communities
Response Percent Response Count
Support 94.7% 214
Neutral 2.7% 6
Do Not Support 2.2% 5
Increase physical activity to benefit people’s health
Response Percent Response Count
Support 92.9% 210
Neutral 5.3% 12
Do Not Support 1.8% 4
Improve mobility and access between business districts, campuses, parks and greenways, recreation, government services, residential neighborhoods and other destinations
Response Percent Response Count
Support 95.1% 215
Neutral 2.2% 5
Do Not Support 2.2% 5
Reduce motor vehicle congestion, fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation
Response Percent Response Count
Support 93.8% 212
Neutral 3.5% 8
Do Not Support 1.8% 4
Improve Asheville’s image as a sustainable and bikeable community
Response Percent Response Count
Support 81.9% 185
Neutral 12.4% 28
Do Not Support 5.8% 13
Increase the number, safety, and visibility of bicyclists on the street
Response Percent Response Count
Support 86.7% 196
Neutral 4.0% 9
Do Not Support 8.0% 18
Identify sustainable funding streams, including robust fare revenue, to maintain ongoing operations with minimal need for sponsorship or public investment
Response Percent Response Count
Support 79.2% 179
Neutral 15.0% 34
Do Not Support 4.0% 9
Promote and support tourism in Asheville
Response Percent Response Count
Support 36.7% 83
Neutral 38.1% 86
Do Not Support 24.8% 56
Provide a new low-cost mobility option that reduces demand for parking
Response Percent Response Count
Support 90.3% 204
Neutral 4.9% 11
Do Not Support 4.0% 9

Do you have other thoughts about a potential bike share program in Asheville you would like to add?

Sarah Nie inside City Boundary
July 22, 2018, 8:20 PM
  • Tell us whether you support, are neutral about, or do not support the following goals.
    • Improve access to public transpoprtation options, especially for underserved communities - Support
    • Increase physical activity to benefit people’s health - Support
    • Improve mobility and access between business districts, campuses, parks and greenways, recreation, government services, residential neighborhoods and other destinations - Support
    • Reduce motor vehicle congestion, fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation - Support
    • Improve Asheville’s image as a sustainable and bikeable community - Support
    • Increase the number, safety, and visibility of bicyclists on the street - Support
    • Identify sustainable funding streams, including robust fare revenue, to maintain ongoing operations with minimal need for sponsorship or public investment - Support
    • Promote and support tourism in Asheville - Support
    • Provide a new low-cost mobility option that reduces demand for parking - Support
  • Do you have other thoughts about a potential bike share program in Asheville you would like to add?
    They should have battery assist powered bikes.
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Do Not Support
Improve access to public transpoprtation options, especially for underserved communities
Increase physical activity to benefit people’s health
Improve mobility and access between business districts, campuses, parks and greenways, recreation, government services, residential neighborhoods and other destinations
Reduce motor vehicle congestion, fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation
Improve Asheville’s image as a sustainable and bikeable community
Increase the number, safety, and visibility of bicyclists on the street
Identify sustainable funding streams, including robust fare revenue, to maintain ongoing operations with minimal need for sponsorship or public investment
Promote and support tourism in Asheville
Provide a new low-cost mobility option that reduces demand for parking
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