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Name not shown inside Tract # 000100 May 19, 2023, 8:10 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed 2023-24 Crossing Guard and pilot locations shown above. Crossing guards should be required at all crossings of 4-lane roads where grade schoolers are expected to cross such as Iowa at Harvard, the Peterson crossings, the Inverness split at Bob Billings, 23rd at Harper and similar situations. Children are not as easily seen, not as expected by drivers and not as fast walkers as adults. These facts must be taken into consideration at these wider intersections.
I am somewhat confused by the crossing guards still marked near Broken Arrow and the SRTS still marked going as far south as 33rd. I would hope students are not expected to walk from 33rd and Iowa all the way to Cordley!
This map, in order to be better understood, should also have new boundaries on it as there are some areas, especially near Broken Arrow, which are unclear which way the students are heading.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did you student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? Yes
What Elementary/Middle School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select all that apply) Cordley
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) Kindergarten, 3rd grade
Name not shown inside Tract # 000100 May 19, 2023, 7:32 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed Safe Route to School infrastructure planning routes and identified sidewalk and/or bikeway projects: I cannot see how a street without a sidewalk could ever be considered a "safe route." As an adult, I do not feel comfortable walking along streets without sidewalks and I don't think we should expect our children to.
Specifically, I have noticed an especially dangerous intersection at Vermont and 17th St where traffic zooms east/west-bound on 17th without having a stop or some other alert that children cross at that street on their way to school. I encourage the city to address that intersection to make it safer.
Additionally, I am somewhat confused by the purpose of the SRTS is since, in reality, these routes are not marked in some way to signal to auto traffic that increased pedestrian traffic is expected at specific times of the day nor are children who walk to school visually funneled to these routes.
To that end, I am unsure why some SRTS routes have been removed but still fall within the boundaries of that specific school.
Having Cordley students walk, even with the assistance of a crossing guard, across 23rd St is really hard. That is a very busy intersection at 23rd and Louisiana. Are crossing time lengths going to be extended for north-south walking traffic? I would suggest looking into having a crosswalk added at Vermont St or having them cross at Mass then walking north on Vermont. Especially with car traffic limited on Vermont closer to 23rd, this makes that street especially good for walkers.
I'd like a definition of "Adjacent SRTS". Are these routes to other schools? It was hard to tell from the map how the connected. I am curious, however, why the safe routes are not merged with adjacent safe routes that might be different by just a block running parallel?
Finally, it's one thing to look at these routes on a map and another to actually walk them. Has this committee endeavored to collect notes from personally walking these proposed routes at the start and end of the school day?
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did your student(s) walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? Yes
Which Elementary School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select one) Cordley
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) Kindergarten, 3rd grade
Has the 2023-24 boundary decision changed what school your family attends? No
Sabrina Kuksi outside Environmental Justice Zones by Census Tract May 18, 2023, 10:43 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed 2023-24 Crossing Guard and pilot locations shown above. For Hillcrest, I think that actually looks good! It's nice to be heard and seen about the needs of our students. Now if we could also get some speed bumps around like on Sunset Drive, THAT would be a godsend. And there's no traffic sign whatsoever at the intersection at Sunset and Harvard and it's really dangerous.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did you student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? Yes
What Elementary/Middle School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select all that apply) Hillcrest, West
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 1st grade, 4th grade, 6th grade
Name not shown outside Environmental Justice Zones by Census Tract May 18, 2023, 10:35 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed Safe Route to School infrastructure planning routes and identified sidewalk and/or bikeway projects: I think it's fine but our current walk to school around Sunset Drive and Harvard is scary. I don't like how fast people go or how there is no stop or yield at Sunset and Harvard. People pick up their kids and then dash away like a bat out of hell.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did your student(s) walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? Yes
Which Elementary School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select one) Hillcrest
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 1st grade, 4th grade
Has the 2023-24 boundary decision changed what school your family attends? No
Name not shown outside Environmental Justice Zones by Census Tract May 17, 2023, 1:35 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed Safe Route to School infrastructure planning routes and identified sidewalk and/or bikeway projects: New route to Hillcrest looks good. Would love to see a protected bike lane up the 9th street hill soon.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did your student(s) walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? No
Which Elementary School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select one) Hillcrest
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 1st grade, 5th grade
Has the 2023-24 boundary decision changed what school your family attends? Yes
Name not shown inside Tract # 000802 May 16, 2023, 4:37 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed Safe Route to School infrastructure planning routes and identified sidewalk and/or bikeway projects: There is a terrible need for a cross guard in front of Schwegler Elementary school so people can cross Ousdahl after school. Right now the principal does it, and sometimes the school nurse in his absence. Occasionally it is a teacher. It is important enough that someone in the school does it, and this is not their job. Ideally there would be someone in the morning too. People race through there and don't stop at the cross walk, mostly heading south toward 23rd. It is busy enough that the principal has to occasionally direct traffic to stay off the cross walk (not sit ideally in line over the cross walk waiting for their turn in the pick up line). And, even with him there, some people still don't stop. There will be 96 additional children next year, and they each will have someone picking them up from school. This need that already exists will be amplified by the additional cars and traffic.
Also, I want to note that my children do not walk to school. HOWEVER, I do part a block from the school and walk to get them, and do the same at pick up. It is faster. But, it does require crossing Ousdahl. A lot of families do this. Cars would back up into 23rd street if people didn't do this. So, every morning and afternoon my kids cross the street even though they are not walking home, they are walking to my car.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did your student(s) walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? No
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? No
Which Elementary School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select one) Schwegler
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 4th grade
Has the 2023-24 boundary decision changed what school your family attends? No
Name not shown outside Environmental Justice Zones by Census Tract May 16, 2023, 12:31 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed 2023-24 Crossing Guard and pilot locations shown above. I believe there need to be crossing guards anytime elementary children are crossing a major road. The proposed locations are fine, but inadequate.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did you student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? No
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? No
What Elementary/Middle School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select all that apply) Schwegler
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 2nd grade, 3rd grade
Name not shown outside Environmental Justice Zones by Census Tract May 16, 2023, 12:27 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed Safe Route to School infrastructure planning routes and identified sidewalk and/or bikeway projects: The proposed walking routes to Schwegler are not safe for elementary kids. They need to be diverted from major roads and have more adequate sidewalks.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did your student(s) walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? No
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? No
Which Elementary School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select one) Schwegler
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 2nd grade, 3rd grade
Has the 2023-24 boundary decision changed what school your family attends? No
Name not shown inside Tract # 000901 May 16, 2023, 9:45 AM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed Safe Route to School infrastructure planning routes and identified sidewalk and/or bikeway projects: The proposed route for the former Broken Arrow students now attending Schwegler has them going further than necessary to find a street that goes around the park and then back tracking which will be very confusing for elementary students. Also the sidewalks are not complete along this proposed route. Will that work be done over the summer? Finding a route that is a straight shot (following the same street the whole way) with complete sidewalks would make this transition much easier for these students.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did your student(s) walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? Not Sure
Which Elementary School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select one) Schwegler
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 3rd grade
Has the 2023-24 boundary decision changed what school your family attends? Yes
Name not shown outside Environmental Justice Zones by Census Tract May 14, 2023, 11:17 PM
Please share your thoughts about the proposed 2023-24 Crossing Guard and pilot locations shown above. I have been grateful that there has been a consistent guard on Clinton Parkway and Inverness. It is a very treacherous intersection. I have noticed more kids walking and biking since the guard has started the past two years.
Will you have a child enrolled in a USD 497 for the 2023-2024 school year? Answering no will end the survey. Thank you for your feedback! Yes
Did you student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2022-23 school year? Yes
Are you planning to have your student walk/bike/roll to school during the 2023-24 coming school year? Yes
What Elementary/Middle School will your child(ren) be enrolled? (select all that apply) Southwest
What grade will your child(ren) be in the 2023-2024 school year? (select all that apply) 7th grade