Fire Rescue Services
What are your Fire Rescue Service Priorities and Expectations?
Shape the conversation at your district's annual meeting
We're bringing City Hall to your neighborhood. Tell us what you'd like to talk about!
Annual neighborhood meeting topics
What kind of information would you like presented at the annual neighborhood meetings?
2016/2017 Community Development Block Grant funds
Please share your thoughts about the recommended use of Community Development Block Grant funds for the fiscal year 2016/2017.
Annual neighborhood meetings
What kind of information would you like presented at the annual neighborhood meetings?
Building a Better Tomorrow by Updating City's Land Development Code
The assessment report has arrived! Review the recommendations and share your thoughts.
Better regulations, better development, better Tamarac
Tell us what you believe are the biggest strengths and weaknesses in Tamarac's zoning and land development regulations
Better regulations, better developments, better Tamarac
What is important for high-quality development in our City? What changes are needed in our land development regulations to better enable us to revitalize the community? Share your thoughts or concerns by commenting on as many or as few questions as you like.
Priorities and areas for improvement over the next 5 years
What are the two primary service areas you'd like us to focus on over the next five years? Please list specific projects or improvements you'd like to see for each of your selected priority areas.
New City of Tamarac Mobile App
What features and content would you like to see on the new City of Tamarac mobile app?
Name That App
Suggest a name for our new City of Tamarac mobile app
Get involved in your City's Strategic Planning!