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Natalia Norena inside Tamarac May 12, 2019, 6:12 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac

Name not shown inside Tamarac May 11, 2019, 11:27 AM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac
Please share additional comments about your selected response It wil bring relieve to the people and revenue for the city

Name not shown inside Tamarac May 10, 2019, 9:44 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac

Name not shown inside Tamarac May 9, 2019, 10:33 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac

claudia krysiak inside Tamarac May 9, 2019, 2:53 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac
Please share additional comments about your selected response You can't stop the tide. Remember a rising tide lifts all boats even if all you have is a dinghy.

Name not shown outside Tamarac May 9, 2019, 10:03 AM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in the neighboring City
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac
Please share additional comments about your selected response The people of Florida and Tamarac voted overwhelmingly in support of this. Any attempt to prevent dispensaries by Tamarac is a blatant attempt to subvert the will of the people. Further it displays the arrogance of the Commission to suggest they are somehow more wise and knowledgeable on this subject than the voting population.

Name not shown inside Tamarac May 9, 2019, 3:07 AM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I own a business in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac
Please share additional comments about your selected response Of course, a new business paying rent and taxes to the city, ABSOLUTELY!

Lisbeth Santos inside Tamarac May 8, 2019, 9:40 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac

Patte Grad inside Tamarac May 8, 2019, 6:26 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac
Please share additional comments about your selected response We have so many residents that would benefit from it

Heather Cruickshank inside Tamarac May 8, 2019, 3:56 PM

Which of the following best describes you (pick one)? I live in Tamarac
Do you think the City of Tamarac should allow medical marijuana dispensaries, even though the City cannot apply stricter regulations to such facilities than those applied to pharmacies? Yes, medical marijuana dispensaries should be allowed in Tamarac
Please share additional comments about your selected response This is a great business opportunity for our city! Residents of all ages can benefit from the use of cannabis and our city should welcome this opportunity!