Florida voters approved Amendment 2 to the Florida Constitution, allowing the use of medical marijuana (including euphoric cannabis) for treatment of certain medical conditions. Following that approval, the State Legislature issued a host or regulations which enabled cities and counties to choose one of the following options:
- Ban medical marijuana dispensing facilities within municipal limits
- Allow such facilities under conditions that are the same or less restrictive than those applied to pharmacies.
Medical marijuana dispensaries are retail establishments authorized to sell cannabis in an approved form for medicinal use. Tamarac opted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries, while reserving the right to evaluate the policy in the future.
While no proposals to repeal this ban have been drafted or presented to the City Commission, we’d like to hear how Tamarac residents feel about such facilities.
Please click on the "Take the Survey" button below to share your thoughts. This brief survey will be open until May 12th, 2019.
When responding, please sign in with your user name. It will help us better understand our resident views and needs compared to those of others interested in this topic. To protect your privacy, you don't have to include your name with your response.
We look forward to hearing from you.