Why are there codes that state no overnight street parking between the hours of 2-6 AM and they're not enforced? Same goes for unenforced codes for commercial vehicles, especially small transportation buses and vans, which some of those are parked in the streets.
Many streets especially in the Mainlands communities are practically impassible by my car much less and heaven forbid, emergency vehicles. If it's a Sherriff budgeting problem, go look for yourself. You could make a million in one night. It's enough that a special pair of officer could be hired just for this duty. And just raise the fine to make a stricter code. By enforcement this does several things.
It makes for a much safer community because a driver especially at night has to go around the parked vehicle, some times a small bus or huge van and into a head-on situation when passing it. People cannot be seen when walking, especially those with dogs. Streets MUST be made clear and passible for fire trucks and ambulances - which could be a lifesaver. Heck, I have a couple multi families in single family houses down the street and there are two cars in the driveway and 4-5 cars parked on the street every night! This is a situation that harbors the possibility for disaster, much less drives the resale of our homes down. Can you imagine a potential home buyer driving by to look at a house for sale?
Codes are written by the city for a reason and by enforcement, it makes the community safer and looks more attractive.
Our street looks like a Chicago ghetto at night.
Please help us, i am afraid that one day that there might be a situation where somebody's going to lose their life because an emergency vehicle will have to back up, turn around and come our way the opposite route to get near us. Just a few seconds could be a factor between life and death!
PLEASE, please help work with BSO to get this quickly under control. There's enough violators to create the needed revenue to keep these codes enforced.
RAISE THE FINES - ENFORCE THE CODES! Make Tamarac a much SAFER and attractive community!
Why can't the BSO enforce no street parking (2am-6am) law by ticketing offending vehicles? Our community streets are dangerously clogged. We have asked for help previously.