Two proposals will appear on the ballot in the General Election that would provide needed funds for the county’s transportation system and local infrastructure improvements by raising Broward County’s sales tax by one penny. While they are listed on the ballot as two separate half-cent surtax proposals, both must pass or both will fail.
If both referenda items are approved, the surtax will go into effect countywide on January 1, 2017 and last for 30 years. Tamarac, along with other cities in Broward, would each receive a portion of the infrastructure surtax, based on their populations, while the county would receive all of the transportation surtax funds. Approximately one-third of the proceeds from the surtax will be paid for by tourists.
It’s estimated that Tamarac could receive more than $25 million in funds from the infrastructure surtax over the first five years, which would be used to support projects such as building new fire stations, traffic calming initiatives and road improvements. For a full list of projects proposed in Tamarac and other penny surtax referendum information, please visit
If the surtax passes and funding becomes available, what other projects would you like to see in Tamarac? Share your “wish list” by clicking on “Add your comment” below. Your input will help ensure that the proposed projects meet the needs of our community.