Please share your thoughts about the recommended use of Community Development Block Grant funds for the fiscal year 2016/2017.
Since 2000, the City of Tamarac has received Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Every year, the City must submit an Annual Action Plan to HUD and certify that its application for funding is consistent with its HUD-approved Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The proposed Annual Action Plan we’re asking you to review covers the second year of Tamarac’s current Five-Year Consolidated Plan. (Click here to download the draft Annual Action Plan.)
This plan outlines the activities that Tamarac will undertake with the $384,932 in CDBG funds we anticipate receiving for the fiscal year spanning October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. As required by HUD, the proposed programs have been identified through the assessment of local housing and community development needs, resources, and socioeconomic impediments toward building and sustaining viable neighborhoods.
The plan primarily aims to assist low- to moderate-income residents by providing suitable living environment and decent housing, and expanding economic opportunities. The plan covers program implementation and administrative costs, such as a social worker that provides information and referral services, and our residential property rehabilitation program.
Please review this plan and share your comments by July 12th by clicking on the “Add your comment" button below. The Annual Action Plan was considered by the Planning Board on July 6, 2016. It will be presented for the City Commission’s adoption at the public hearing on July 13th. You may attend this meeting and share your comments in person. If you have questions, please contact Coleen Christie at [email protected] or (954) 597-3549.
Thank you for your input!
Outcome: Plan adopted
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