To promote quality development and redevelopment in the City, we undertook a major Land Development Regulation review with the goal of revising the City’s Code to provide clear and user-friendly regulations. In order to tackle this demanding task, our consultants have worked with City staff to engage the public at each step of the process and identify improvements.
After reviewing the existing Code and procedures, along with all the feedback we've received, our consultants and City staff are drafting a new Land Development Code, which is being done in several portions. At this time, we are pleased to present the first draft of the new Chapter 10. It consolidates the administration-related regulations and contains three articles:
Article 1: General Provisions describes Code applicability, enforcement, transition to the new Code, nonconformities and similar topics.
Article 5: Administration outlines approval and review procedures and criteria.
Article 6: Definitions defines the terms in Article 1 and Article 5.
To view and comment on specific sections of interest to you, click the Add Your Comment button below and select the Article you'd like to review.
You may also email your suggestions to [email protected]. Please share your input by January 31st.
The City's consultants and staff will review your comments when finalizing the draft that will be brought before the City Commission for a vote.
We appreciate your participation. It helps us ensure that the new Code meets the needs of our community