Investment in Tamarac parks is an investment in our residents’ quality of life, community appearance and revitalization. That’s why our long-range strategic plan includes a new addition to the City's parks system. The design and development of Waters Edge Park will begin in 2017. We’re seeking community input on amenities you’d like us to consider during the park design phase.
Background information:
- Waters Edge Park will be located on NW 61st street just east of University Drive (behind Broward Teacher’s Union Building). See the street view of the area
- The park parcel is 6 acres.
- Design and development is slated for 2017.
- Due to its size and location, the parcel lends itself to development as a primarily passive park, with some elements for play and sports activity.
- Park features under consideration include multipurpose pathways, picnic shelters, a playground, basketball court and a sand volleyball court.
Are there any other amenities that you’d like to see in the new park? Please share your thoughts about the proposed features by August 20th, 2015. Then, come back to visit the Outcome section of this site to find out which of the amenities you asked for will be incorporated into the park design*.
*If you have not yet joined Tamarac’s Open City Hall forum, signing up is simple. By joining in, you’ll receive an email update after the public feedback is reviewed and the City makes a decision. You’ll also be notified when new public participation opportunities are offered. Your address is never posted publicly and is only used to determine whether responses received come from Tamarac residents or from outside the City.
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