Tell us what you believe are the biggest strengths and weaknesses in Tamarac's zoning and land development regulations
What’s happening?
As you may already know, the City of Tamarac is in the process of updating our Land Development Regulations and preparing amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Our main goal is to develop clear and user-friendly regulations that are consistent with the City’s plans and policies.
Better regulations will help us to further advance our commitment to continually revitalize our community and preserve our environment, as stated by one of our Strategic Goals: a Vibrant Community.
Where are we in the process?
Our consultants have reviewed public input collected through various means, including your comments on Open City Hall and the community workshop. Based on this feedback and the City Code and Comprehensive Plan review, the consultants have identified preliminary improvement recommendations.
What is your role?
You may review the preliminary recommendations identified by our consultants (Download their presentation here) and comment on what you view as the core strengths and weaknesses of our zoning and land development regulations.
What are the next steps?
Currently, the consultants are working on the needs assessment report, which staff will review and post on Open City Hall for you review and comment this spring. Draft Code Regulations and Comprehensive Plan updates will follow by early summer. Finally, you will have additional opportunities to comment at the public hearings included in the ordinance adoption procedures.
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